
photo saturday: hogweed

professor hogweed - alchemist, goblin, artificer

At some point there will be an Artificer character that actually sticks with me and that I really want to make. And I'm fairly sure that that character will be an Alchemist. But it hasn't really happened yet.

It doesn't stop me from making the characters... they just don't seem to latch onto my psyche in the way other characters do.

Which brings us to Professor Hogweed... a very smart goblin. with very big boots. And possibly not a real professor... but don't tell anyone.

He'd also be a character for a specific campaign in a specific place. That's about all I have, honestly... like I said, none of these characters really dig into my brain enough to get past the surface level or the opening idea.


Fun fact: The last time I was "sick" (at least enough that I referenced it in the blog) was May 2019. Which makes sense, given the world, and all the masks and hand washing and staying away from people.

Which may indeed be why I went down like the proverbial bag of shit this week. Yeah. But backing up a second...

Ma mentioned she'd had "a cold" last week, and while it was front of mind when she mentioned it, I didn't think about it when we shared snacks at the movies. So, when I started feeling a little flat on Sunday as I was making a functional if uninspiring vegetable soup, I didn't really think much of it... but by Monday, yeah, I was sick.

And I always know that I'm definitely sick if I go and nap. Because there was definitely fully clothed napping.

Just to be completely sure, I went and got a PCR test on Tuesday morning. In my car... because, honestly, that's just easier. And I think that I spent more time giving my details to the woman with the iPad than I did waiting for the test itself. Got the results back later in the afternoon... negative. Which was as expected, but I just wanted to be sure.

So, instead, I went down to the chemist on the corner and bought a big box of Codral. Because that always makes things better.

Otherwise, I cancelled the rest of the week, so no DnD for anybody this week. And then my back decided to really play up (which may well have been from the fully clothed napping or else from dozing more than once in my chair), which made a couple of the mornings more of a challenge than they should have been.

But otherwise, I'm on the mend, each day is a little better than the previous day, and at least today I'm the least sinus-ey that I have been all week.

Today we literally went to the supermarket, came back here... and then Ma headed home.

So there's that.

Current mood:

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