
photo saturday: salt and spray

salt - ashari, swashbuckler, warlock

In previous campaigns, most notably the Icewind Dale campaign, I made too many fucking backup characters. Like, it got to the point where they were basically their own soccer team. It was a little ridiculous.

So, for the new Thursday night campaign... I'm just making one. Probably. Definitely. Maybe. Barring acts of the gods or the whim of the DM.

But this is Salt, Water Genasi and also a member of the Water Ashari... and a sailor. And a Swashbuckler Rogue, and a Warlock of some sort. Honestly, the Warlock bit is the part that will possibly change, but I absolutely want him to have a pseudodragon familiar... because I fucking love pseudodragons.

I also love the Ashari from the world of Critical Role, which is what we're playing on Thursdays right now... and if I'd been really thinking about things clearly I might have made an Ashari character as my actual character.

I haven't really written backstory for him yet, that will come as we play and if he's ever needed, I can adapt his backstory to fit with where we are in the plot.

But he's an older character, as in how old he is versus how old his race lives. And, you know, what happens when you have to guard the abyss... sometimes you find yourself staring into it, and sometimes the abyss stares back.


This week was potato and leek soup... with a couple of ham steaks cut up and dropped in after it was all blended. Actually pretty damn good.

As I said before, Thursday night DnD was the first game of our new campaign, Call of the Netherdeep, from Critical Role. Well, technically, we're doing some intro adventures first based in the same world.

And I won't lie... this game consumed my brain for much of the week. Or rather, my character and the potential relationships with other characters and general unknown-ness of what was to come consumed my brain.

The game itself... was great. I know I've been playing with these folks for a number of years now, but we really just came together quite well. And there are a number of characters who my character is very interested in getting to know more about. I'm also playing an investigator who has a mystery to solve. So he's happy, I'm happy, we're off to the races as they say.

I'm honestly not sure when I've been this excited for the next game.

Friday night's DnD game was also a big one. I finally got to drop a bunch of lore on the group which they've honestly been asking for with just about every NPC they come across. In fact it was so much stuff that Mrs took six pages of notes (which, admittedly, included a full page map).

But it kind of sets them up for the rest of the game, so that's good.

And I got to drop a bombshell on Mr, which was great. Which sounds horrible taken out of context, but, you know, is great in a game of DnD.


Today was the usual supermarketness... and then we ran some errands. Well, an errand, that meant we went to three different places looking for something that took all of 12 seconds to find... once we got to the third place. So, you know, it could have been worse.

Current mood:

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