
photo saturday: fancy boy

rasim - vintner, investigator, sneak

Am I obsessed with tall boys in high heeled boots? Maybe. Shut up.

Also, I've never played a male tiefling. In fact, to date I've only played one tiefling. Although I've had ideas for a few others. Once again though, Rasim is me fucking around with the idea of different rogues.

I need to play an Inquisitive Rogue at some point, I really do. And, probably, an over-the-top male tiefling. Generally speaking I like the "virtue names" for tieflings... 

And some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept.

But, this guy felt like a tiefling from a line of tieflings, to whom his birth name was more important than some random name he'd pulled out of a hat.

I didn't dig into his history very much, beyond an idea that he was from a noble family who were winemakers and/or winegrowers... basically the entire business from grape to bottle.

Also, fun fact, in a very "mashing the words together" kind of way, the surname Dhu'Deneb means "possessor of tail", which seemed like a cute tiefling surname. And his first name means "planner". Which is also apt.

I do kind of get the gist of his personality just from the way I posed the character and how he's dressed. He feels about 50% The Scarlet Pimpernell and 50% The Man in Black from Princess Bride.


First up, I'm much improved from this time last week. I still have a little bit of a stuffy nose, but at least it's not the sinus-y thing that absolutely reduces my brain to mush.

Next up, this week's soup of choice was, unsurprisingly, chicken noodle soup... that I may have put a tiny bit too much pepper in... but then, it was probably useful for clearing out the sinuses.

Otherwise, big news... we actually had a Thursday D&D session. And started the final adventure of the book. So fingers crossed it doesn't take another month and a half in order for us to actually finish it.

I will say though, and it's no reflection on DM Fluffy... but I don't like the way the adventure is put together. Because throwing a bunch of status conditions at players and debuffing them or just inflicting damage on them arbitrarily is a poor substitute for making an adventure that's actually challenging or interesting.

So, I'm just gritting my teeth and waiting until the end of the adventure/we actually get to something interesting.

Not really the way I wanted to finish this particular series, but, it is what it is.

Friday night's DnD was fun. And I'm calling this session "Hello Bavlorna", because they finally met one third of the antagonists in the book... and I think it went better than they were expecting it to go. I mean, they took on a sentient tube of goo and survived.

It's also been fun that for the last two games, I've been able to end on a cliff hanger.


Today was much of a muchness.

Supermarket, then we did a little trip to Spotlight so Ma could get more wool for things. And I could look over the Halloween decorations that I don't much care about as Halloween, but they're otherwise my vibe. Or at least bits of them are.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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