
photo saturday: fighter boys

macabe - archer, half-elf, foresterdembe - monster hunter, battle master, merc

Fighter boys... 

Macabe is one of those characters that have been in my head since before I ever played. Way back in 3e. But because 5e is a whole different beastie, I was never quite inspired to make him until the Arcane Archer subclass came out in Xanathar's. The problem is that the subclass is kind of... m'eh. So, as a character and as a design I really like him (including faking flower tattoos on both of his arms, which, on the model, are actually sleeves), the build is less fun.

Then Dembe (or Dembe Himayat Chiamaka Khamari, to give him his full name... and no, I can't really pronounce it without stumbling either) was made with a specific group of characters in mind, and then we played once more and then abandoned that storyline. Shit happens. But he's also an experiment in subclasses I wouldn't normally use. And I really don't play him all that much. But he has a somewhat interesting backstory which I quite like.

Moving on...

I treated myself a little this week... I made crepes for dinner on Monday, since I totally forgot to on Shrove Tuesday. Then Tuesday I made sausage rolls. Which lasted until Thursday.

So there was that.

Wednesday's DnD game was... okay... the second half of the module from last week was better in a lot of ways from the first half. But still underwritten and a little lacking. We got through it though.

Friday's game was a little delayed by small child, but overall pretty good. Fluffy, our DM, wanted, I think, to hustle us through an in-game week... but there were too many things going on that we all wanted to dive into, so while we technically got there, most of the session was really the first three days.

But better it taking too long than going too quickly.

Today was... odd.

We did the supermarket thing... same old same old. But I bought stuff to make soup, because, clearly, we're at that point of the year again.

And after we'd faffed around here a bit, we went to the movies. Yeah. Honestly that just felt weird. More on that later though.

But that was it really... went to the movies, Ma dropped me back here, we called it a day. Odd.

Current mood:

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