
photo saturday: kick ass ladies

mulan - soldier, general, paladinkida - traveller, linguist, monk

The ladies who will kick your butt for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book... Fa Mulan and Kidagakash.

And of course Mulan is a Oath of the Crown Paladin, who is sworn to protect a city or country or nation... and has the actor feat, because they get a bonus to deception checks while disguised as somebody else. Sadly paladins don't get access to the Find Familiar spell... so we'll call her little dragon pal a... sidekick. I will say that this is just basically a pre-set collection of Hero Forge armour and there really wasn't much in the way of design choices from my perspective... but it is a set of armour I like... particularly the breastplate (and the pauldrons).

On the other side, Kida (who is and always will be a Disney Princess in my mind, even if they've casually shuffled her off to one side... she's a Disney character, she's a literal princess... fight me) has no armour but can still kick your butt. And thanks to the new Astral Self Monk, I love the idea of her calling on the powers of the Heart of Atlantis to give her a secondary set of "crystal" arms. I have a theory that the top I put her in may have been "somewhat based" on Kida's actual top... since that twist in the middle is very distinctive. But otherwise, I just went for the closest approximation. Sadly I'm not a huge fan of the way this hairstyle sits... it's an early one, and it could probably do with a little redo.

Otherwise though, while these aren't the most thrilling designs, I like the DnD characters for these princesses... the designs are a little blah.

In other news.

I made pea and ham... but which I mean pea and kransky... also with other vegetables for body, bulk and flavour, but since it's all blended up, you couldn't tell. Decent though.

And early in the week I made a loaf of bread just for me, which lasted me most of the week, which was nice. Plus the great thing about my bread is that throwing it in the sandwich press warms/toasts it back to perfection.

I know I mentioned it last week... but I finished watching Season 1 of The Longest Day In Chang'an this week... and damn it's good. Frustrating as hell, but great. And I mean frustrating as in several of the characters have made or are making decisions where I'm like... no, don't do that, because you're wrong, that's wrong what you just said, so stop being wrong. Like I said, so very good. Highly recommend.

This week's DnD games were... atypical. Wednesday (which is now Thursday, but we did it on Wednesday because... reasons I guess) we did something we've never done before, and spent the whole session working out character relationships.

It did result in some interesting things... but, generally, I don't think I'm a fan. I've done that before, had a predefined relationship going into a game and I don't feel like it ever improves my experience... I much prefer those things happening organically at the table. I think maybe it helps people who don't really know who their characters are before sitting down at the table... but that's generally not an issue I have. They change, sure, but I generally have a sense on how they're going to be.

I won't lie, it is slightly better than "you're all in a tavern"... and time will tell as to whether it really works for me. I think, perhaps, I haven't yet had a DM or an adventure where there was room for us to just be individuals in a tavern and let us as characters come together naturally. It does make me want to do that when I run something for the Friday crew in... oh, eighteen months or so.

A plan is already starting to take shape. Which I might need to write down. Because 18 months.

Somebody remind me around August or September 2022 if you wouldn't mind.

Getting back to the point... it was otherwise an interesting session. And I'm trying to keep an open mind about the whole rigmarole.


Friday night was likewise different... Fluffy and I did a Session Zero, in that we did a solo DM/player session just getting my character settled in the world. Now THAT I'm a huge fan of. It was fun. Nothing much really happened, although the few rolls I did, I don't think that I rolled lower than maybe a 12... so clearly, the first full session we have is going to be nothing by rolls under 5. Maybe.

Then we finished up our bits and pieces for the "breather" campaign. Which still took us... what... 15 weeks. And while we didn't "finalise" any of our storylines, really, we did leave them all in a good place... by which I mean they'd just opened their pub, they all have storylines in progress, but we were all happy to leave them there. I mean, we might come back at some point for a few little bits and pieces, but at the same time I kind of doubt it... but I've been wrong before.

Afterwards we talked about character relationships with this new group... and, honestly, this one I need to revisit. Because we kind of ended up in a place I'm not really happy with. No, not happy... not comfortable with. It's nothing bad... it's just gunna sit in my brain and fester if I don't say something.

So, there's that...

Today was fine... we did the usual supermarketry, I'm planning on making some sort of stew this week... I mean, beef stew, with a bunch of veg... but like most of my soups these days I'm just going to make it up as I go along.

Then after the general unpackery and YubTubs and whatnot we headed off to IKEA. Which we haven't been to since last October (and weirdly enough that's the post that includes the Friday night character I just finished playing and the one I'm about to start playing).

We ended up doing a bunch of backtracking because we kind of assumed everything we were looking for would be on the ground floor... by which I mean, one of the two things we actually came to look for. But no, while one of them was upstairs, they didn't have anything that actually matched the other thing.

But we still left with about half a dozen things... because IKEA.

It did mean we did a bunch of walking, so that was good.

Current mood:

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