
photo saturday: the beast and the thief

belle - sage, beast, barbarianjasmin - streetrat, rogue, charlatan

We're now fully in the 1990's for this week's Disney Princess DnD Character Colouring Book Adventures. And while Snow White was the first character model I put together, Belle la Bête was the one who kinda kicked off me putting the rest of the list together.

Because one of the newest Barbarian classes is Path of the Beast... and if you think that maybe The Beast was actually a lycanthrope, and maybe Gaston killed him actually at the end of the story and maybe now Belle is the new Beast. And that pretty yellow dress is kind of falling apart these days and all the formerly magical furniture in the castle is just furniture now.

And of course she'd have the Fighting Initiate feat so she could take the unarmed fighting style, because Barbarians don't get a fighting style... for some reason (because they're OP enough as it is, in the best possible way) and of course she's a sage, given the fact she's nuts about books and she now has the castle library at her disposal.

Jasmin is... the one I'm the least pleased with, honestly. I needed a rogue to round out the 12 characters... and Aladdin is basically a rogue. So this is kind of a gender flipped Aladdin where Jasmin is the Streetrat and Aladdin is the feisty prince kept locked inside the palace. If I hadn't been going for one of every class, then, yes, Jasmin would 100% have been a Genie Patron Warlock.

As it is, she's a Charlatan, she has a feat that lets her hide better and she's an Inquisitive Rogue, which, honestly, I really want to play but still haven't. Somewhere she has a protective jacket that goes over the top of that very skimpy top. And the less said about her the better.

Moving on.

I made potato, leek and bacon this week. And put a bunch of cheese in it before I blended it up... which made for a tasty, tasty, tasty soup.

Sidebar. I started watching the Chinese historical detective thriller from 2019, The Longest Day In Chang'an, which is 50% Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and 50% the TV show 24. And very, very, very good. I'm only just halfway through the first season and I'm loving it. Also, the fucking costumes. SO GOOD.

This week's Wednesday/Thursday... and the DnD thereof... yeah, fucked if I know. There was talk of a plan last week. Then there was general radio silence. And nobody said we weren't doing anything and nobody said we were doing anything... and I didn't ask, because I shouldn't have to. I'm also assuming nobody got their head out of the ass long enough to organise anything, or we just called this week off on account of disinterest.

All good... this week we should finally be back to our regularly scheduled programming... so there's that.


Friday I made cheesy bread... because what was the point of this week if not cheese. Cheese bread is always good. No matter whether I stick grated cheese into the dry mix, wait and fold it into the dough or stick cubes of cheese in... bread plus cheese plus oven equals good times.

As for Friday night DnD... we... technically finished the little mini campaign we've been doing as a palette cleanser. I mean, we've gone as far as we can really go. We still have some roleplay things to finish up next week... depending on how much we want to dig into that. And by "we", I kinda me mostly me, since I'm the one with the most dangling story threads.

So we'll see... either it will be two or three hours of roleplay or it'll be about an hour of roleplay followed by board games. So, good either way.

It does mean we're on the edge of starting the new campaign however... so insert usual new campaign nerve vibes. Or whatever.

Today... well, Ma overslept this morning, which led to some lowkey panic first thing... and us getting to the supermarket like an hour late... so... there's that.

Then after the supermarket and all the rest of the usual, we headed to Officeworks to pick up some printer ink and I discovered that Officeworks no longer seems to stock the Kokuyo Novita Alpha Pocket File folders I used for all of my DnD needs.


I mean it's not like the company went away... Officeworks just doesn't seem to stock them any more.

First my favourite ice-cream gets discontinued 20 years ago, now this. Life is hard.

I am of course being facetious... and it's not like I don't have about 30 of those folders, but they don't last forever and they're perfect for DnD. So, I'm a little bit annoyed.

That's really it though.

Current mood:

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