
photo saturday: bad princess

mistress aurora - noble, fey-touched, dragonbloodseawitch ariel - sailor, fathomless, inspiring

Week Two of the DnD Princess Adventure experiment.

These two are definitely characters that rely on their villainesses for their powers... and not really surprisingly because the two villains in questions, Maleficent and Ursula are my two personal favourite Disney villains.

So Mistress Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty) is a Fey Touched Noble, because while I could have made most of the princesses into Nobles, Aurora seemed like the right choice. And Fey Touched, because of the faerie blessings, which gives her a little more magic. There also wasn't any other choice for her but as a Draconic Bloodline sorceress. Because imagine if instead of Prince Phillip showing up and killing the dragon with a magic sword and shield, Aurora drew on the power of the curse and Maleficent's own magic to fight her after the dragon transformation. Plus it gives her cool scales down on arm and dragon eyes.

On the other hand, I love the idea that after Ursula's defeat, Ariel gives Eric the flick, becomes a Sea Witch herself and can give herself legs whenever she likes. But she also learns to sail... because why not. So the Fathomless Warlock was the obvious choice. And not just because it gives her some Ursula-like tentacles to do some damage. Plus a swim speed and the ability to breath underwater. I did originally think about making her a half sea-elf, but that was mostly just for the swimming, but if her class gives it to her, why not.

Not to mention the big weird "sea staff" in Hero Forge... clearly she had to have that. And probably a familiar... you know, like a crab or something, I dunno *grin*.

Moving on...

I made soup this week. It was definitely soup. It had vegetables in it. And sausage. And tomato. It was soup. It was very good, don't get me wrong, even if I put a tiny bit too much chilli in it... which shouldn't have been a problem. I mean, less than a teaspoon in a minimum of four cups of stock plus vegetables plus a tin of tomato... it should have been mild. It was not. It wasn't bad though.

I also trimmed my hair again... not quite a month between trims I believe, but my beard needed doing, so I just did the whole thing.

There was no Wednesday/Thursday this week. I mean, there was. Both Wednesday and Thursday existed. And my Wed/Thurs group did a thing, they just did it without me. With my full blessing I hasten to add.

Friday was Chiro Day... so I headed into the city for the usual curative poking of spine. Ahhhh, spine.

Then I finally (two months later) headed into the comic book shop to pick up a Monster Manual. So now my D&D book collection has gone from two books last December to sitting at six books. Yay, books.

I also had a chat with the shop girly who used to be in when were played DnD on Wednesdays, who I haven't really seen since March last year, other than the one trip I made in to pick up another DnD book before Christmas last year. So that was nice.

And I resisted buying another set of dice for the upcoming campaign. I say resisted, by which I mean, didn't take like $4 extra in with me. Annoying, but at the same time, I honestly don't need another set of dice. Want, yes. Need, no.

Then we had Friday Night DnD. And it was one of those sessions where stuff just happens. Which sounds weird. But sometimes you can decide to do things and with the best of intentions everyone just goes "before we do that, just let me..." and before you know it four hours have gone past, you've had three conversations and a shopping trip but only really an hour of in game time has passed.

This wasn't one of those. I mean, technically I think an hour of in game passed, but we went to the place to get the MacGuffin, fought a cranky merman, killed a rat in a backpack (as in the rat had the backpack), got the MacGuffin, hung out with a talking dog, talked to a stone and considered our future life choices. So, all in all, a useful session.

And if nothing else proves that it was said useful session, the fact that we played until midnight without thinking about it pretty much does.

It did mean I didn't get home until after 1am, but totally worth it.

Today was... you guessed it, rinse and repeat. We did get started a little earlier than the last couple of weeks... mostly because Ma rocked up early and I was actually ready when she did.

The supermarket was...the supermarket. I'm planning on doing tatty soup... by which I mean po-tattys... you know, po-tay-toes. Those.

Then after the usual "came back here, did a thing", we just had a wander around the Village, mostly to stretch the old legs than anything else.

And that was that.

Current mood:

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