
photo saturday: princess adventurers

snow - huntress, swarmkeeper, poisonercinders - bard, hero, creator

Disney Princesses as DnD characters... I'm not the first, I won't be the last... I don't even think this is one of the very best version of this idea... but that does exist (even if they're technically more original fairy tales than Disney).

But this version started with a thought about the new Swarmkeeper Ranger... and the fact that their swarm can be anything... which led to a thought about my favourite scene from Shrek 3 (when it turns into the Immigrant Song... actually, the only good thing to come out of that movie honestly).

Which then led me to thinking about combining the Princesses with other elements of their story/movie and making use of DnD concepts to come up with something I liked.

So Huntress Snow can now poison people, as a Clan Crafter she's accepted by dwarves wherever she goes, and as a Swarmkeeper ranger she's at home in the forest and can get the forest animals... in her specific case the little blue songbirds... to fuck you right up.

Cinders on the other hand can endure a little more hardship, she's a Folk Hero, so the common people love her and will assist her if they can... but as a Creation bard she can now make her own coach out of a pumpkin... and if needed create her own dancing prince.

And yes, I did find screenshots from locations in the movies and add them behind the characters.

For any number of reasons, these are two of my favourites from the set of 12 I made... whereas others are a little more generic... but we'll see those later. Maybe.

Brief sidebar... what the fuck is with the weather where I am right now... I went from wearing a hoodie with the hood up... to wearing shorts. Which I should have also worn yesterday, but I didn't realise it was quite as hot as it was until I ended up with a headache. And then the rest of the week it will go down to 20°C... all week. So fuck everything.


I made tuna mornay this week... and I wasn't going to over spice it like usual... and then it just ended up over spiced anyway... because, of course it did. It wasn't bad though.

Wednesday's DnD was actually Thursday. Yes, after fuck knows how long, we've moved the Thursday game back to Thursday. Which is fine, except now it means that I have DnD on Thursday and Friday... so we'll see how that goes.

But anyway... Thursday's game was fine... we finally finished off the Tier 1 adventures... which is great, because, honestly, I need a break. Both from these adventures specifically but DMing generally. Not because of any particular thing... but when you have a party that wipes everything you throw at them seemingly without breaking a sweat, it's definitely a thing.

Friday we did boardgames instead of DnD... which was fine. I mean, the second game we played was fine, but not my favourite.

Today... copy paste, rinse and repeat.

Supermarket... ingredients for soup... unpack... YubTubs. And once again, we didn't have anything to go and do... so we didn't.

And that's that... 

Current mood:

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