The phrase "from the sublime to the ridiculous" doesn't even come close to describing the weather this week... mostly because none of it was sublime and all of it was ridiculous.
It's only just November... why are we already having essentially Summer weather... pffft. Not a fan.
It was weird actually cooking meals on the day I intended to eat them. Not bad you understand, just weird.
DnD was back to normal this week... and by normal, I mean, whatever normal boils down to in this particular scenario. Or just two Wednesday games and a Friday game.
The Wednesday day game was... I wanted to say m'eh but that's not fair, it was interesting. Not the most interesting ever, but interesting enough I guess.
Wednesday night's game was... what's the name of that thing where everything is bad and a disaster and awful but you're still loving it? A clusterfuck? Yeah, possibly it was a clusterfuck in the best possible way. I died. Correction... my character died. For probably about 30 seconds in universe time (maybe 15 minutes real time), but still 100% totally, stone cold, nobody home dead.
I mean I knew I was fine... we had a cleric with us, so everything was going to be okay eventually, even if something weird had happened in the moment.
Also we had some in-party betrayal... and it wasn't me for a change. But we are totally going to dig into that next week (or, if the worst happens, at the beginning of December... I'll make all the notes I need to). I have thoughts and plans and ideas about the why and the how. I may be off base, but I think I know what is going on... or at least have a way to fix it. But we are getting IN TO IT! Even if I have to nail all the other players to their chairs in order to do so.
Extreme? Certainly. Necessary? Possibly.
Friday's game was what Wednesday's day game tried to be and failed at. An interesting dungeon crawl with opportunity for great character moments, without feeling like we were all going to die horribly at every turn or new door.
Plus, bathhouse trip (and only our second episode), so, you know, fun.
I also made bread with dried apple in it... which was a big hit, although honestly, it wasn't my best work and I put either way too much apple, not enough water or both in it. But people liked it, so I'm not gunna complain.
We did run until about midnight (yay for Friday night games where people don't flake out), and given that the weather had radically changed from warm and humid to cool and rainy, when Badger and I left there was some mist on the roads. And for the day after Halloween and it being midnight was definitely a creepy moment. Fun creepy, but still creepy.
It also meant I didn't get home until almost 1am.
Not that it really messed up this morning, although I did have one of those "hey, where's that thing?" moments where I had to try and find a thing, knowing it had been in a particular place at one point, but not having any clue where it was now. I love those moments. Especially when there aren't really that many places things could logically be. I found it, although not anywhere I expected it.
Given that this week is back to cooler weather, I'm making stew. Stew is always good. Very much making it up as I go though.
Otherwise the supermarket was as expected... I was a little annoyed though that the check out girl put the meat we bought in in a way that meant that blood leaked out into the bottom of one of Ma's shopping bags, all over the shopping in the bottom of that bag. So yeah, that took a while to get put right.
We headed into the city again because... m'eh, what else are we gunna do. But our visit just so happened to coincide with the last of the rain for the day. And guess what I discovered... you'll never guess. I discovered that my shoes had basically fallen apart... but in a way that wasn't evident until my right shoe started taking on water like the Titanic. Less fun really.
And the ones that look like those shoes in Target are now either just made narrower... or else I needed an 11 and they only had 10s and 12s. I did find some cool looking grey shoes... they could be faux suede, they could be basically rubber... but I like them. They do have laces... and since I've been the king of slip on shoes for entirely too long now, that's going to take five minutes of adjustment.
We also found Ma a cheap ass fascinator for her work Nationwide Horse Racing Bullshit thing next week... maybe next week, I honestly don't know... I haven't cared about that in several years now, so I couldn't tell you when it's on with any degree of certainty.
And that was it really. So very exciting.
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