This week has been... (relatively speaking) weird... yeah, lets go with weird.
I made lasagne this week. It was probably more successful than previous versions, but I still didn't really get it completely right... not enough salt in the meat sauce mostly... and maybe not enough layers... but I also don't have what feels like the right shaped container.
When I was a kid, Ma used to make lasagne from time to time, and my memory of it is that it was always these perfect, multilayered cubes of pasta that never fell over or slumped all over the plate. Yeah, I'm not there yet.
Supposedly the answer, according to Ma today, is a deep cake tin. Who knew.
DnD was... basically non-existent this week. I went in for the Wednesday day game only to discover that nobody had bothered to show up. By which I mean the DM and half of the people I've been playing with weren't there.
And I looked at who was there, and I just couldn't be bothered with who was there and what was on offer. So I bailed, wandered around town for a bit and then came home.
Of course, because I hate my friends, we had no game on Wednesday night either. I mean we could have played here with me hosting, but we didn't have enough people for a real game. So, yeah, Wednesday was a bust.
However we did have our first proper session of the Friday night game, which was good. The first session is always a bit all over the place because nobody really knows who their characters are totally yet and the DM is doing a lot of setting the scene work.
But we murdered a horrible doctor with a door, kicked the ass of a bunch of pirates, got drafted into the local militia and got in universe gold that actually made sense again (as opposed to the dumb AL system).
I also made bread again, cheesy bread this time. Although possibly I either used the wrong kind of cheese or not enough cheese, because it just wasn't as cheesy as I would have otherwise liked. And while it was very good bread, it wasn't perhaps as good as last week's cranberry bread.
Otherwise this week was both Haircut Day and Chiro Day. While the temperature was above 35 for one and under 20 for the following day. Urgh.
Both appointments were essentially business as usual... my hair got cut and coloured, my back got chiro'ed. Not much to report beyond that really.
Today was... m'eh. Kind of. I guess.
I'm going to have to actually cook things on the same day I eat them this week... and possibly again until it's time for soup again. Which is just annoying (#firstworldproblems). I mean, I'll live, but still.
After the supermarket, Ma declared that we really needed to do something about my lounge chairs, which would be fine if it didn't cost actual money and stuff. But we ended up heading to IKEA to at least have a look at replacement chairs.
The downside of that plan is that when I bought these chairs originally they were a complete unit, in various colours... now for the same cost they sell a "blank" base with no actual fabric on it, but you also need to buy a "slipcover"... one of which is beige, boring and $50... the other is basically the same, but green and costs $100.
Fuck that for a game of skittles.
So possibly I might get two of the boring beige covers and dye them red. It's not the worst idea in the world.
But that was about it really.
Current Mood:

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