There was clearly something in the air or the water this week...
I made a pretty good chicken and corn chowder this week... it was maybe a little thin to start with (and also not the same recipe I used last year when I made my first ever chowder), but I mixed some flour and some of the broth together after I'd tried it and ended up making it pleasantly thick.
I killed two different people's DnD characters this week as well. One on Monday because, to be honest, the character was kind of asking for it and the player was making life difficult for the other players. He wasn't being a dick or anything... it was just not what I would have expected for that particular player.
Wednesday's day game can be a fairly brutal one, although the characters were making short work of a lot of the enemies thanks to a high level rogue in the party, so I upped the difficulty a little... but then I had the three remaining enemies attack the paladin for a total of 6 attacks, knocked him unconscious with the first attack and then rolled two natural 20's (great for me, bad for him) on the second attack. I'd also had a conversation with that player the week before about the fact that death is a little wobbly in Adventurer's League anyway, and that he doesn't care if his characters die. So instead of moving on to the rogue who I would probably have knocked unconscious anyway with those attacks, if not murdered, I slaughtered the paladin.
Which is just a weird feeling, doubly so for other characters at the table, since the rogue and the paladin had played together on my table for the last three or four weeks. I don't mind killing characters, especially if they screw up, but it's still a weird feeling.
Wednesday night's game didn't happen because fuck my friends. They just decided that it wasn't happening. That's all the explanation I got. I'm sure people had perfectly reasonable explanations, including the fact that our DM is going on (or has already left for) an overseas trip. But fuck you all.
Thursday night's game was total and complete insanity.
It was the same group that I've been playing whenever I turn up on Thursdays for a while, but we wanted to give the usual DM a chance to play, so she stepped out and one of the players stepped in (it's my turn in a couple of weeks before we go back to her as the DM)... and she brought her cleric to meet my cleric. It did not go well. They hated each other. Or rather they're mostly the same people but they view the world in opposite directions, which of course meant that they hated each other. Which led to two of the other characters who've been with my character for a while now having something of a dummy spit at me (my character), which was great. Because my character IS a total dick. He's not nice and he's not good and he's arrogant and self-important and a control freak and while he's good at reading other people he has no capacity for self-reflection. And he's also all the awful parts of me that show up when I get up on the very highest of my high horses. And I adore him. And he's not going to change, because that's who he needs to be. And he's too much damn fun to play.
Plus the DM for this week went out of his way to fuck our characters over in the best possible way. There were literal moments when the other player and I were hanging onto each other for dear life and telling the DM we hated him, all while our actual characters were spitting figurative fire at each other. It was so good.
It's really the stuff I live for in DnD... those rich and juicy character moments where you can get deep into role play and you are no longer reacting as yourself, you're completely in the mind of who you're playing.
Anyway... the rest of the week wasn't much of anything to be honest.
Today was likewise not much, but at least a fun day. We did the supermarket thing... the play this week is to make a tomato soup without a) roasting the tomatoes and b) making it to the end of the week and still be eating it.
Then we headed off to the movies for Avengers: Endgame (more on that later)... and I totally misread the times, thinking that it was at 11am (I'm sure it was, just not at that cinema), but it turned out to be 10:30 or 11:50... but we got there at about 10:45, just at the end of the trailers/ads and walked in just as the movie started, so good timing there (actually we missed some of the opening scene, but enough to get the point).
Afterwards we came back here and had some lunch at the Village before calling it a day.
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