
photo saturday: masts

three masterdistant sail

white sailboattall ship
This is what would normally be described as a short week... but nothing I really did this week was affected by Easter Monday or Anzac Day on Thursday.

I do need to remind myself next week that Easter Sunday is an actual thing, where the shops are shut and everything. And to get myself supplies for lunch when I'm shopping the day before. Because that was somewhat of a pain in the ass.

Otherwise, DnD was on Monday night as usual... it has been a while since I ran that module, and while it's better then the preceding two, the end is fairly lame.

Wednesday, the comic shop was expecting a tradie in, so we decided to wait around for an hour and then take ourselves off to the gaming shop and play there instead. I have no doubt at all that one of two things then happened... either the guy never showed up, or he showed up around the time we would have been packing up and leaving. Because of course. It did mean that we could spread out more than usual, which was nice.

The evening game wasn't the usual evening game, because fuck my friends. Well, most of them anyway, including the DM. But the couple who's house we play at were happy to still host, and he got a couple of "ringers" in from his usual group (one of whom is someone I really like and don't get to play with or on their table anywhere near often enough, so that was really nice).

And we played later than usual, probably because of the public holiday the following day, which was nice.

Then Thursday's game my other group finally finished off the trilogy we've been doing for a while, although one of our group was missing and we had a ringer (yeah, that seems to be a word I'm using today) who was actually pretty good, especially for someone coming into a group where everyone knows each other and we're doing the last part of a trilogy.

Afterwards a couple of us grabbed a drink at Pancake Kitchen and chatted about stuff, then I drove one of them home. Which was weird, if only because I'd literally been thinking about how it would be nice to spend a little more time with him outside of the gaming table... then than happened.

Otherwise, not a lot to report really.

I did make an amazing minestrone soup on Sunday though... I mean minestrone in so much as I made the recipe up, but it was really, really good.

This week I'm reattempting chowder, since that worked out pretty well last year, so we'll see.

Today, Ma was off having her hair did, so I went shopping on my lonesome. Well, just me and The West Wing Weekly podcast.

After I got back here I just hung out til Ma got here, then we went down the road to Big W and I got some glue to finally finish off a bookbinding project and some other random crap. However the thing we actually went for they didn't have. Isn't it always the way.

So then we did a brief trip to the (under renovations but much less interesting than it used to be) Target on South Road before giving up and heading back here. Well, we did stop off at Haighs to check out "broken" Easter eggs (and like last year, they have the little chocolate ducklings with their heads ripped off, but no actual broken/cheap eggs), we may have to try again next week, since Greek Easter is this weekend.

And that was about it really.

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