
photo saturday: scaling

airport nosesmodel sized

airport tailslife sized
Winter isn't until June, right? Asking for a friend. Because in the space of a month, we've gone from full on Summer heat to Winter rain and chill. I obviously didn't get the memo we were skipping over Autumn this year.

This has also led to rampant paranoia that the crown moulding along the ceiling will start to leak again now that we're having rain. And given that there is a massive crack between it and the ceiling since they came and repaired it last time. Feel free to keep your fingers crossed for me.

I'm swearing off tomato soup... not tomato IN soup you understand, just soup where tomato is the primary ingredient. It seems that no matter what I do, it always comes out a little bit blah and I get bored with it by the second or third day. So in deference to the weather, I'm making chicken soup this week... possibly with noodles, maybe with rice, but definitely chicken.

We managed four DnD games this week... and I only had to run one, which makes a change. Monday was the first time I've run a Tier 3 game, and it wasn't too bad, although I should have cut it a little shorter, or at least cut out some of the combat encounters to that we ran a little more to time. The second part of the module is this coming week.

Wednesday someone else ran, but a character still died. I mean the module was a little stupid, and I was thankful that I was running my big dumb boy, but still, it was lethal enough.

Wednesday night, our regular DM is off on holiday, so we finished off the adventure that I started a couple of weeks back when most of the regulars couldn't be bothered showing up. And I got to do that thing that I usually do at least once an adventure with this character, run real fast and do the stupid yet awesome thing. This ended up with me locked on the other side of a door, a lot of water and glass and angry creatures from all the other characters. And the quest item was on my side of the door.

I mean I'd been hoping I could have done a grab and go, but the DM wasn't having any of that... although he also very nicely chose not to murder me very dead while trapped in a room with the final boss all by myself (even if he was pretending to be a halfling at the time).

Then on Thursday was possibly the very worst game I've played that I wasn't mad about. Let me break that down... the fifth wheel for the Thursday quartet volunteered to run and let the quartet play a particular group of characters. And while the module he chose wasn't doing anybody any favours, he's a terrible DM. And an unprepared terrible DM, which he shouldn't have been (as unprepared as he was I mean). But the quartet can make just about any disaster work, or rather, we just defaulted to roleplay and did whatever bits of the story we could be bothered with or that were clear enough for us to do.

And then my regular character's partner in crime failed a roll and died. Well, in the game as we played it at the table, he died... but in discussions later, he may have been too far away from the other characters for the spell to actually have affected him.

Weirdly though, I hope we keep the death canonical, it will be much more dramatic later on.  I get to run next week, but I'm not throwing anything super weird in, I'll save that until the following week when we're all back on deck in our regular roles.

Otherwise this week I had to take a quick trip to Officeworks on Monday, and Friday was Chiro Day.

Today was, once again, not much of anything.

We did the supermarket thing in the morning, but as tends to be the case at present, I didn't buy a ton of stuff beyond things for soup.

Then we thought we might drop by Haighs and see if they had any broken Easter eggs, totally forgetting that tomorrow is Mother's Day (since Ma doesn't give a crap about it), so the place was in chaos. And while they didn't have broken egg now, it seems that they will have soon, so we'll just have to keep dropping in, just in case.

From there it was a quick trip to Kmart for some stuff Ma wanted, then we dropped in at Officeworks and spent way too long looking at highlighters and marker pens and the like. Not that that's a bad thing.

And that was pretty much it for the day.

Current Mood:

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