Let's see...
This week was... blah with a side order of m'eh.
I made semi decent soup... fauxestrone (ie not actually minestrone, but in the same general neighbourhood), I possibly should have passed up on the kidney beans I added, they were a little m'eh... but then they often are.
This week's DnD games were... fine. I mean the adventure I ran on Monday wasn't the best design ever, my character died on Wednesday and Thursday's game was at the game store instead of one of our players and only four of us showed up... and we had a random drop in, who was fine, but it's not really the type of game for randoms.
Otherwise my toilet cistern suffered an emotional breakdown this week and seems to no longer be able to hold liquid long term. Which is problematic, but there's a plumber coming on Monday, so hopefully it's a simple fix.
Today was also essentially a non-event.
We did the supermarket thing this morning, I'm making some variation of potato and leek soup this week, possibly dipping a little into the chowder oeuvre if I remember to take chicken out of the freezer. And while I can deal with people on checkouts who are slow and people who are bad at packing, the Venn diagram crossover is where I have trouble.
Then we came back here before heading out to pick up some stuff at Big W... in fact given that there wasn't any movies on that we wanted to see, Ma suggested we check out the cheap DVDs there and if we found something good, bring it back here and watch it.
Which is basically what we did.
I mean we wandered around Big W, then did a brief wild goose chase in a couple of other places looking for something I'm not entirely sure exists, but I want to exist... or else does exist, but is too bloody expensive.
Anyway... we got some food, came back here and watched Goodbye Christopher Robin (more on that later).
It wasn't much of a day, but it wasn't bad.
Current Mood:

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