To quote Herman's Hermits... "Second verse, same as the first!"
There's not a lot new to report this week. Just more of the same really.
I made a fairly successful pumpkin soup this week. Doubly successful because I didn't overspice the hell out of it like I did last time, so it was actually edible. I did, however, forget to buy onions, so it was pure pumpkin (and some sweet potato).
D&D continues to be both a major obsession and the highlight of my week. I experienced the first character death this week also... not one of my characters to be honest, but one of someone I've played with a number of times. As stupid as it sounds, I was genuinely shaken by it, even after the DM threw in an in-universe way for us to bring the character back.
In the same game I also had one of the other players say that his character saw mine as a mother-figure, which is actually really awesome, and will definitely influence the way we interact in future. I also had a player call me out on a particular bit of behaviour fluff I've been doing with the same character. Not in a bad way, more in a "hey, you did that last time, what's up with that", which I kind of didn't necessarily expect to happen that quickly, but it was nice that he noticed.
I also busted out my Crumpler laptop bag, that has just been taking up space in the wardrobe (albeit filled full of old busted laptop) to use as my D&D bag, which is about 90% effective, although that's not a hell of a lot of room for anything other than my gear and dice.
And yes, I'm probably going to mention stuff like this a fair bit, deal with it.
Today was decidedly the definition of "second verse, same as the first". Although I did have a fairly late start this morning.
So, yeah... shopping, home, off to Ma's. Then we headed off to the shopping centre, had a slightly pointless wander around the centre, an even more pointless stop for food (because really, it was a bit m'eh) and called it a day.
It's so weird that it's been 9 months of this. Thankfully Ma is definitely on the improve and it shouldn't be too much longer before she starts coming down to this neck of the woods on a Saturday. And I think that's possibly like the 80th week in a row where I've mentioned that or something similar.
Ah well.
That's really about it to be honest.
Current Mood:

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