Let's play another little game of "things that I know right now"...
- Ma is going to have to have another operation on her shoulder... which manages to both suck and blow all at the same time. And she probably still won't have the range of motion she had before the accident.
- I know nothing new about my job as yet.
- The fact that I can tell fairly early on when people are absolutely not worth my time is both good but also problematic when I'm then forced to work with them.
- I think the phrase "we're not in Kansas anymore" is more than usually apt right now.
- The Cabaret Festival put out one of the best programs it's had in the last five or so years... including Le Gateau Chocolat, Kim David Smith and Briefs... all of which I booked tickets for this week.
The haircut was unusual because it was on Monday night... Tink had family commitments last Thursday, so we rescheduled. It was much the same process as always... my hair is definitely progressing in the general direction of ash blonde... or kind of a more natural silver blonde. As I said to Tink, we spent several years trying to ensure that we didn't make my hair too ashy, and now here we are doing it on purpose.
The cut was the same old same old... and we talked about this, that and the other... mostly Fringe stuff this time.
The chiro visit was good... unsurprisingly not sitting in a different strange seat for an hour at a time four nights a week meant my back was actually in pretty good condition. I did my usual city wander afterwards... which took longer than usual I think because I just spent more time wandering around in various stores.
Today wasn't much of anything... I went and did the shopping, then went and picked up a package at the post office before heading down to Ma's place.
I had half a plan in mind, and it turned out that the Beauty and the Beast remake was playing about half an hour after I got there... so that's what we did.
Afterwards we had a wander around the shops and a late lunch and then I took Ma back to her place and headed home.
So not very exciting, but at least we're getting some movie time in.
Current Mood:

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