And for some reason, there's a mystery character... which in the image above is really hard to work out what the hell it is, but when you see the image with the characters all arranged on their little stands, it's very clearly a highwayman. Or it could be a highwaywoman I guess. It could be the Scarlet Pimpernel for all I know... but it's weird that it's a fairly average character for the series. Maybe there are variations? I don't know... it's a little strange though.
Otherwise it's a fairly solid set...
- Professional Surfer
- Gourmet Chef
- Sausage Man
- Elf Girl
- Circus Strong Man
- Yuppie
- Veterinarian
- Highwayman (Mystery character)
- Connoisseur
- Butterflies Girl
- Roman Gladiator
- Corn Cob Man
- Retro Spaceman
- Dance Instructor
- Battle Dwarf
- Rocket Boy
Having said all of that... I think my favourites are the Elf Girl, Connoisseur, Roman Gladiator, Corn Cob Man, Battle Dwarf and Rocket Boy. If I had to pick just one, I think it would be the Battle Dwarf to be honest, although the Elf Girl would be a close second.
One thing they've really gone to town on with this set are the accessories, from the surfer's Jaws inspired board (I do wish his wetsuit was blue not red to match though), the chef's whisk, the yuppie's mobile phone (which is actually a regular radio accessory, but with some great printed tiles), the adorable bulldog and rabbit, the spaceman's gun and the Rocket Boy's flag... there's both some great new moldings as well as some amazing paintjobs and printing.
They've really outdone themselves this time.
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