This that I know to be true this week...
- I spent far too much time this week worry about Ma going in for surgery on her shoulder.
- Her surgery was fine, however she has torn not 1, not 2, not 3 but all 4 muscles that hold the ball joint together. She's supposed to be in a sling for 4 weeks.
- She's staying with her friend this weekend, and I won't see her until Christmas.
- Princess T has, at some point in the last 12 months, been pregnant and had a baby girl. She didn't tell us this. So now I have a (according to Wikipedia) "second grandniece"/"cousin-grandniece". Also the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because La Cousina kept T a bit of a secret until quite far into the pregnancy. Fucking families hey.
- I don't actually know what the baby's name is... Ma didn't mentioned it when I spoke to her.
- Gin smells amazing.
- Australia Post delivers parcels on weekends in December. I was not here to get said parcel.
- My knee is, at this point, pretty much fucked... but hopefully will improve.
- At some point today I need to make Rocky Road.
Last Sunday was fairly uneventful... my choice of salad for the week was a bit m'eh. In fact just salad in general, m'eh.
I thought my knee was on the mend from last week because I hadn't been using it all that much over the weekend and by Monday it mostly felt back to normal. But then towards the end of the week it really flared up, and while I got my chiro to look at it (and give it a yank back into the correct position) on Friday, it still doesn't feel like it's that much better. Hopefully, if nothing else, having a week off work where I'm not standing up for half the day and then walking home may let it sort itself out.
Work has kind of slowed down, except of course for the "oh, this one thing, it's the last one for the year, do that" type stuff, which is always a fun time. But really, it's the week before the week before Christmas, have these people never heard the "nobody cares" song and accompanying interpretive dance routine?
Like I said at the top, I spent too much time (both objectively and relatively) worry about Ma's operation. I knew I was, but at the same time I could shake the sense of impending doom for some reason.
Yeah, my brain... all broken.
Wednesday was not a good day with one thing and another, although the random kindness of the people I work with is occasionally surprising but always appreciated.
So I decided I needed to stop at the bottle shop... and decided that gin was what was called for. Now I will say that I haven't necessarily tasted the gin on it's own properly, but the smell of gin... OH MY! I'm very much in love with that smell.
Also, a couple of gins was definitely what was called for.
After my chiro appointment on Friday I wandered... well actually, limped would be a better description... around the city for a while. It was the usual rotation... Zing, Greenlight, Dymocks, Target... but also diverted to Myer to look for the neon rainbow light they had in their catalogue. They didn't have it in, but the lovely girl in the store ordered it for me, and knocked the delivery charge off, and I realised afterwards that there was already a markdown on that range of stuff... so bargains all around.
I've gotten to like the subtle amount of light that my neon Christmas tree gives off, so once Christmas is over I'll replace it with the rainbow, see how that goes.
Today was the first Saturday I've had to myself pretty much since I'm actually not completely sure when... even last Christmas we still see stuff on the Saturdays before trimming the tree and making the Christmas goodies... so fuck knows to be honest.
I dragged my ass out of bed to be at the supermarket nice and early (but I still need to be there super extra early next weekend, otherwise I just know it's going to be shit), did all my supermarket shopping, which honestly wasn't all that much, since I was only doing shopping for myself and I still have a lot of stuff.
After I came back here, I did a quick unpack and then turned around and went straight back out to visit both Big W and Target... ostensibly just for a USB to put something on to put in Miss Oh's present, but I also wanted to find the
Fantastic Beasts book for myself... In the end I came home with 6 things, only 1 of which was for someone else (the USB). Christmas hey!
And I was back here by about 11am. Annoyingly, I went out just after 12 to get some lunch and when I came back, there was a parcel and a "come collect your other, bigger parcel" note in my letterbox. By the time I realised this, the post office was already shut. Seriously, I'm pretty sure this happened last December... weird-ass Saturday parcel deliveries. I mean don't get me wrong, if I'd been here it would have been awesome (and the fact that they left one of them was great)... but when they do it as a totally random thing just in December, it's fucking weird.
I have the Nuthouse Christmas lunch tomorrow at The House of H-San... so before then I have to make two lots of Rocky Road (and find room for it in the fridge), write a card, print something and find that video I wanted for Miss Oh.
Next Saturday I'm basically going to hibernate the whole day... well, I'll probably wrap Ma's present, but other than that, hibernation.
Current Mood:

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