This was one of those weeks were nothing much really happened.
I started out by making a phone call on Sunday afternoon, which in turn led to a drive down to Toy Corner in Ridgehaven and a full set of the Lego/Disney minifigures. They ended up costing me a little more per piece than if I'd gotten then from Galaxy Toys, but at least I secured a full set. But if the whole "we're only getting these ones and there's been a lot of demand" was all bunk, then I'll be a little annoyed.
After that I spent the evening making a hell of a lot of tuna mornay, heavy on the spices, but not too heavy on the heat fortunately.
Then once again this week there were far more instances of me either skipping breakfast and grabbing something in town, or having breakfast and then missing my bus. I really need to get better at that... whether it's because my brain isn't used to being in a bedroom where the curtains/blinds need to be closed overnight, I don't know... which in turn means that I don't acknowledge that the actual time is the actual time. But I need to start paying more attention to my alarm.
On Monday night after work I paid a visit to Greenlight Comics in the city... they opened on the weekend, and I wanted to go and check them out. I left with three graphic novels (Batman #6 and #7 plus Paper Girls, which comes highly recommended) and put in an order for three more. It's a great store, the guys behind the counter couldn't be more friendly and welcoming and adorably geeky about comic books (which is pretty much exactly what you want in a comic book store owner/employee). Plus it's the first comic book store (okay, technically it's more of a graphic novel store, since that's what they specialise in... although they will order in comic books too) where I felt completely comfortable walking through the door. I can't really explain why, but it definitely has that feeling.
Maybe it feels more like a bookshop, and I'm always at home in a bookshop... I don't know... but I highly recommend making a visit.
Other than that the week was fairly dull. Work was slightly mental all week, which I've kind of been expecting, although I was kind of distracted by a bunch of stuff other than our core work, which was good to get out of the way, but annoying in that I hate it when our shared mailbox is a total mess and I'm unable to clear it out.
But like I said, other than busyness, dullness.
Today I got off to a little bit of a slow start, so I wasn't quite ready when Ma arrived.
Oh, and finally, she got her hearing aids this week. So hopefully she'll be able to actually hear me properly now, which will make my life so much easier. Turns out that hearing aids are not fucking cheap though. And seriously, why hasn't somebody come up with a rechargeable battery for them? C'mon smart people, get on that.
The supermarket safari this week was mostly fresh stuff yet again... I'm going to try a beef and vegetable soup this week. I haven't actually added major meat to a soup before (not counting chicken), so that'll be interesting. And I'm mostly going to be making it up as I go as per usual... although I may have to poke around a few recipes as well for some additional inspiration.
After we'd come back here and done the unpacking thing we headed off to pick up the artwork from the framers (it looks great... I need to photograph it tomorrow I think), and then head into the city to eventually head to the movies.
We had some time to kill, so we ended up wandering around the city for a while... took a detour to Zing (because I can't avoid that place), found a couple of boxes of the Lego/Disney minifigures in Target and managed to feel out a second Stitch, Ursula and Maleficent (all of whom are most likely headed to my desk at work for now).
Then it was lunch at Burger Theory for their very tasty but very spicy green curry chicken burger before we headed to the movies (more on that later).
Weirdly, when we got back to my place after the movies, I found a parcel on my doorstep. Granted I knew exactly what it was, and I know it's been in the country since Monday, but since when does Australia Post deliver things on a Saturday at noon (I checked the tracking). Don't get me wrong, I'm appreciative (and would have been more so if it'd shown up at say 10:30am) but WTF?
And that was about it really... nothing particularly thrilling...
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