This week was blessedly short... but not without impact.
My Moroccan Sweet Potato soup worked out decidedly well... partly because it was almost entirely sweet potato (and single ingredient soups tend to work well), with an addition bit of spring onion and an apple just because.
Monday was a public holiday and I pretty much watched YouTube videos and played Assassin's Creed all day. But I did just need a day off from my life in general, so it worked out just fine.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all just rinse and repeat days... With the added bonus of encouraging people not to do the stupid thing and instead do the not stupid thing. To be honest this had varying degrees of success depending on the level of stupid involved.
Friday I had a day off. Had I remembered that this week had Anzac Day in it (yeah I know, it's the same date every year, but it generally slips my mind) I probably would have arranged for my second tattoo appointment to be on a different day, but that's just the way it worked out.
The appointment was at 9am, so while I had a little bit of a sleep in, I pretty much just did the usual morning thing and then headed down the road.
I was perfectly on time, but my tattoo artist wasn't... Which is fine, it ended up being closer to half past by the time he'd arrived and then set up all his stuff and then we were off. You know, even though this is a giant tattoo, I didn't expect it to take as long as it did and then still not be finished after four hours. We still have most of the raven's head to finish, and the highlights on all the feathers and the coloured smoke/mist to deal with (and make a final decision about colour... it's a toss up between that acid green/chartreuse that I like and a purple/magenta colour), but overall I'm pretty happy with where we are.
And to be honest, after four hours I was pretty much wiped out. The pain I could handle for the most part but just laying on one side and the fact my body wanted to distort into a bad shape while he was working on my arm meant that I needed to take a few breaks and I was kind of glad we called it quits when we did.
Tom was fantastic once again though. I just let him get on with things and stuck my headphones in... popping in or out occasionally when the conversation in the room picked up, or as it did at one point, got a little "salty". I always feel like operative behind enemy lines when I'm in a room full of straight guys like that... it's just weird.
I have to say that Oreth (or Ori for short... yes, I named the raven... I was always going to, but this was a name I'd invented for something else and I suddenly realised it just worked for the raven) is looking good, and I'm happier with him now than I was after the linework. He's turning out more like what I had in my head I guess... and a couple of the issues I had were fixed up by Tom with no drama.
Given that I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since breakfast (my own fault... next time I will definitely take water and probably snacks, even though I would imagine it's going to be a shorter session), and I'd spent the whole time being repeatedly stabbed with needles, when we finished at 2pm I was unsurprisingly ravenous and feeling a little wobbly to be honest.
I drove home, detoured over to the shops to grab some food and essentially came home, ate all the food and then curled up to watch a movie. I think that my body possibly went into shock a little... I felt kind of fevery and a little out of sorts all night.
Sleep was slightly more of an issue than it was with the linework obviously. Turning over was something entered into with much forethought (fortunately I'm not a big one for tossing and turning in my sleep, I probably only to a couple of rotations during the night), but wasn't too bad to be honest. And I'd put a towel down across the bed to make sure I didn't get shmutz all over the bed, only to discover that I actually had marks on the underside of the quilt cover. Oops. But it's my least favourite bedding and the one I put on specifically to deal with the tattoo fallout, so I can't complain too much. Plus I'm pretty sure it will wash out fine.
Given that I couldn't be bothered doing much of anything on Friday night, I actually got my butt into gear early this morning and dealt with the sink full of dirty dishes I'd been avoiding and generally sorted out the apartment.
When Ma came down I showed her Ori and then we headed off for shopping. This week's soup is TBA... as in "to be advised"... I bought a range of things and I'm not completely sure what I'm going to combine into soup tomorrow. I feel like it's probably going to end up being either a generic vegetable soup or a chicken soup... depends on how I feel tomorrow night.
After we'd done the supermarket thing and come back here for the unpacking and suchlike, we decided that since we had not much in the way of plans but the whole day to kill (as we had tickets for the last show of the latest Unseen Theatre Company show at The Bakehouse), we should probably go to the movies.
First we stopped off at Bunnings to see if they had the tap extension hose that I wanted... they did... kind of. It's not exactly like the one I had in mind, but it will do. And then we stopped at the framing place to see if the artwork I dropped off to be framed was ready. Technically yes, although the lovely woman who owns the place with her husband wouldn't give it to me since she noticed that there was a mark on the inside of the glass from somebody's fingers... so we need to go back next weekend to pick it up after she's made them fix it.
Since we were already heading that way, we continued on to Arndale, had a bit of a wander and then went off to see Captain America: Civil War (#teamcap... but more on that later)... after the movie we came back to my place, just chilled out for a while until it was time to head off to get some dinner.
Actually we were probably about a hour too early really... so after a nice meal at Fasta Pasta we had a wander from The Bakehouse all the way down to Rundle Street and back again... and still had about half an hour to kill before the play (more on that later too).
But all in all, it was a good day.
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