
photo saturday: winging it

angel wingswater walker

black curvecopper galah
There's been a decided element of winging it this week... firstly I kind of lost more of the Sunday and holiday Monday to a combination of unseasonally hot weather and general screwing around on my part... although I did end up putting together the Metalbeard Lego set late in the afternoon on Sunday.

I'm not sure if it was that or not, but I just ended up feeling very much like I hadn't even had a day off... or else that I needed several more, all strung together in a row.

The week, although short, seemed to drag and drag and drag. Not because I wasn't busy, but in spite of it, which was fairly annoying. Plus there was the added issue hanging over the whole week that H-San started his month long leave on Friday, which is going to end up meaning a bunch more stuff I'm going to have to do and/or not be able to bump up the chain of command to him. So, to coin a phrase... fuck!

This morning I got up early and did all the housework I couldn't be bothered doing all week long... which never takes as long as I think it's going to, but even so I tend to leave it until the last possible minute.

But I got everything done with time to spare, so it all worked out okay.

Shopping was, well, shopping...

I have to say that the summer regime of making salads for lunch is much less interesting and experimental than making soups was. It's essentially the same types of things repeated over and over again... so I may have to play around with the idea of dressings in order to make things interesting.

Anyway, once we were done with shopping, it was back here to unpack and then we headed into the city to go and see Macbeth.

During the movie I got a call from the comic book shop to say that my order had come in, so afterwards we headed in that general direction... firstly though we stopped off at Target since I hadn't heard anything back from them about the Lego Dimensions Portal 2 set that the docile boy allegedly put a raincheck on last week, so I figured I'd just check. Turns out that useless boy was exceptionally useless since they had the set on the shelf, and yet nobody had bothered to call me. If I get a phone call on Monday, then yeah, maybe all is forgiven, but I doubt it. I'm going with the fact that he was useless. And if they do call me, I'll tell them I already came in and got one.

But at least I have it now (not that there was any damn rush, since I won't get the game and the console until Christmas).

Next was the comic book store, and then we wandered back along the Mall, picked up a couple of bits and pieces and some books for Tink's kids for Christmas, then headed down to Burger Theory for the second anniversary of the Burger of the Month, the "Why Not Both?", what is essentially pretty close to their cheeseburger, but with the addition of a hot dog. And I don't know what it is about that, but I do love the hot dog in all it's slightly squeaky glory.

We also grabbed their banana/pancake/maple syrup concrete of the month, which I have to say is my favourite of all the ones I've tried so far. I do kind of wish they made half serves of concrete, as I always end up feeling very, very full after a burger and a concrete. But it was outstanding.

And that was pretty much it really.

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