
lego: metalbeard's duel

lego: metalbeard's duel - boxing it outlego: metalbeard's duel - sharktastic
There's something to be said for a good old fashioned 30% off sale to get you to make a purchase. The Metalbeard's Duel set from The Lego Movie had been on my wish list for a while now... if only because it's yet another Lego mech in a very long line of Lego mechs.

It's also the first Lego set where I'm genuinely only really interested in half of the set. Yeah, the Micro Manager that makes up the other half of the set is a decent enough build, but they are all just cubes.

lego: metalbeard's duel - polybags one two threelego: metalbeard's duel - robo, robo and frank
The set comes as three polybags... the first one contains all the pieces for the Micro Mananger and minifigs, the other two are all for the Metalbeard build.

The minifigs don't include any of the major characters, instead you get a Robo Skeleton, a Robo SWAT guy and Frank the Foreman. So two bad guys and somebody to save from the Micro Manager.

lego: metalbeard's duel - micro managerlego: metalbeard's duel - metalbeard
I probably could have taken progress shots while I was working on both the Micro Manager and Metalbeard, but I kind of got into the zone, plus neither of them were specially complex builds.

I do feel like the Micro Manager has the potential to be a little bit front heavy... which I guess is why the feet have those little stabilisers.

However the Metalbeard build was fantastic. I never even realised that he has the amount of detail that he actually has...

lego: metalbeard's duel - the sword and the wheellego: metalbeard's duel - secret treasure
First off there's the sword... and the shark arm and the flags with the parrot, the ship's wheel with (I'm guessing based off the image on the front of the box) the ammunition for the cannon arm. Then there's the anchor on the back of one of the legs, and the foot canon and above all else the sword. Plus the fact there's a piece added to the build specifically to hold the sword, which is always a bonus.

And the set does answer the burning question of what Metalbeard keeps in the treasure chest that makes up his actual chest... and that is two bone and a sausage.

lego: metalbeard's duel - metalbeard on bluelego: metalbeard's duel - micro manager on blue
I also took a few "beauty" shots with the help of a sheet of blue cardboard, and they came out pretty well I think, particularly Metalbeard. And the whole group came out looking pretty good in fact.

lego: metalbeard's duel - the full set
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