I have no idea why. The week has been the usual length, I've had lots of things to do to keep me occupied and a range of tasks (well the same range of tasks over and over and over) to keep my appropriately busy, but yeah, the week has been looooooooooooooong.
It's also been mostly slightly freezing in the office this week. Which I always enjoy but everybody else moans about endlessly. It was actually cold enough that I had to put a second layer on which I never normally do, so that means real actual cold. Except for Friday... which is also when I chose to wear a jumper with a tshirt underneath all day, and ended up feeling just the other side of comfortably warm during most of the afternoon. Which made me slightly sleepy.
Plus my body was taking revenge on me for sitting down too much last night... not in a dramatic way, more in a niggling annoying way.
Other than that there really isn't any news... I've settled into that working routine... and an even more boring version than the one I had last time I was working... I get up, I go for my walk in the dark, I come home, I go to work, I don't leave the office the whole damn day, I leave work and walk home, I lay on my bed for a while, I made dinner, I get back into bed and watch something audio visual, I go to sleep and start the whole thing over again.
Also I only had the one chiro appointment this week... next week I get to see my usual chiro again, so that will be good. And by good, I mean I fully expect to be chastised in the sweetest possible way.
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