
photo saturday: le petit chat noir

sable silvereyes - burglar, shadow, cat

So... this week's DnD Character Colouring Book was... a journey. Which started when I wanted to play around with the new "opera gloves" and their variations. One of which is what the site calls "Long Fingerless Glove". And originally I was aiming for Shadow Sorcerer... forgetting that they didn't actually bring that across in the 2024 rules. So I pivoted to Shadow Monk. The Rogue part came a little later.

The longer I looked at her, the more I realised she was giving me slight Catwoman vibes... and I tried a version using the cat ears and a domino mask... and I liked that... but then I remembered that recently they did a wrestling pack... complete with a Luchador Jaguar mask.

One thing led to another... add in my favourite Hero Forge jacket...

the cat - burglar, shadow, cat

And voila, The Cat. Halfling criminal, Shadow Monk and Thief Rogue. Is a full head mask that limits your vision and muffles your hearing a good idea for someone who relies on sneaking around? No, of course not. When has that ever stopped any superhero or supervillain ever.

But other than the fact that the character wouldn't completely come online until Level 6 at the earliest, this is absolutely a character I would play.


This week I made a much better quiche and added some mustard to my potato salad... which was a good plan.

For Mini Media Reviews this week... well, these are a little more Maxi, but still not full reviews, although I did consider it for the first one...

First up is Boy Kills World. And this absolutely is going to show up if I do a list of the best movies I watched this year, regardless of then they came out. Firstly... Bill Skarsgård. Who is a beautiful, beautiful man. But the whole premise, which I was intrigued by when the trailer came out (although, I'll full admit I had completely forgotten the movie existed until Fluffy mentioned it again), of a "deaf mute" assassin who doesn't remember what his own voice sounds like, so his internal monologue is the voice of his favourite video game, aka H. Jon Benjamin (Bob from Bob's Burgers). And the writing is perfectly pitched and very sharp. 

Yes, it's incredibly gory and bloody and brutal. But also, unlike a lot of other movies, the violence in the finale of the movie actually means something and has stakes to it. It's just a very smart script. The cast is incredibly solid and playing up just the right amount of ham. I can absolutely see this picking up a cult following over time, because it deserves it. If nothing else, it should tell you a lot that I watched it a second time before I took it back to the library. Just because.

The other thing was the very odd anime, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. The main character, Human Man From Earth (he has a name, I forget what it is), who... well, the title basically sums up what happens to him... he is a complete pervert. The last thing he tells someone before he "dies" in the first episode is to put his computer hard drive in the bath and make sure it can't be accessed. That tells you everything you need to know about the pornography he has accumulated. Also, he, and the show, are a little too obsessed with bewbs. In a "if you weren't a little round slime, women should be slapping your face continuously" way. I also kind of hoped the show might be self aware enough for him to, for example, lust over Lady Elves, and then have the whole idea flipped on it's head, and have all the elves be highly androgynous or something. But no. Bewbs.

Having said that though, and putting that to one side, it's actually a really interesting concept and executed incredibly well. While he's a little bit of a "oh, he can do everything and is super powerful, blah blah blah" aka Marty Stu type character, the idea that he can just absorb other creatures powers because he acquires a certain set of powers due to the things he said while he was dying is a fun concept. As is the show's premise that "monsters" (I'm sure the show uses Japanese names for most of them, but the English dub and subtitles default to some fairly common fantasy races) don't have names, but once a powerful creature gives them one, they essentially "level up". I only borrowed the first half of the first season... so I do want to at least finish out the season. I don't know if I'm in it for the long haul beyond that though.

I figured I would do what little decorating I do for Christmas... which is essentially the knock off Lego Christmas wreath, the three Christmas themed Winnie the Pooh critters (my three spirit animals, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore) on a ribbon, the baubles on the support cage for the (slowly dying) parlor palm and the neon Christmas tree. Admittedly, I did also add a little tealight candle holder thing and the clear resin reindeer with the bells that I haven't gotten out in a hot minute.

The intent was to get Fluffy to plug the neon tree in when he got here yesterday, because it involves some Lying On Floor and Reaching For Things, both of which my back has previously not been a fan of. So I was just connecting the neon to the base and I heard a snap noise. Yes. After a very long time, the neon broke. Admittedly, the tree has had a good run.I didn't initially know when the hell I bought it, although I did remember that I got it from Arndale at The Reject Shop. But after a little bit of a deep dive into the blog, specifically the first couple of Decembers, just in case... and I found a post detailing previous Christmas decorations, which lead me back to an "ABC's of Me" post from 2005, including the immortal entry...

N is for Neon Christmas Tree... I got it the other day... it's tacky, stands 32cm high, is really really bright and only cost $10, but I like it

Turns out "the other day" was a post for when we went to see The Corpse Bride. It does actually astound me on occasion how many things I've actually detailed in the blog that eventually, if it happened after July 2005, I can generally find a reference. Which means it was a 19 year old neon tree. Also, for some reason I had $25 in my head... but yeah $10 makes a whole lot more sense.

So, pour one out for the very cheap and elderly neon homie. Who bathed various apartments in green and pink light and made many of my Christmases feel slightly more festive. And absolutely was worth the price. Ye shall be missed.

Friday Night DnD was cancelled for reasons, so instead Fluffy and I did a movie night.

And his choice was One Cut of the Dead, a Japanese movie from 2017. I'm not going to say a lot about it, but it's absolutely worth watching. I went in knowing nothing, was somewhat confused for about 10 minutes, spent the next 20 minutes waiting to see if my theory was correct and then enjoyed the rest of the movie. It's very "low budget indie movie", but it's worth a look. I think I enjoyed it more for what it was trying to do than the movie it actually was, if that makes sense.

In return, I showed him Soapdish from 1991, a movie that completely accidentally, has some superficial connections in theme to One Cut. Also, it's a movie that, in 1991 seemed perfectly fine, but in 2024 absolutely shits the bed in the last... three minutes. And it could absolutely be fixed with two to three very small changes. But it's a movie that is amazing for 95 minutes and stumbles as it takes it's bows.


Today was... a lot of doing things we probably could have done in the last several weeks, but didn't because of reasons.

We started with Supermarketry. This week I'm defaulting to Tuna Noodle Doo. I'm trying to not just make the same thing every single week like I did last Summer, even if I can swap between like three different options, it's enough.

Then we did the Big W/Kmart loop. Ma wanted to poke around Big W, I needed some things at Kmart. It's been a minute, but also, I had slightly forgotten that I need to not be anywhere near the shops for pretty much the whole of December. Because people is nuts in the lead up to Christmas. Obviously.

Kmart was the better result overall. What I did find was an accidental Christmas tree replacement. Not neon, obvs, because lightning does not, in fact, strike twice. But I found a three part candle (well, two parts are a candle, the top is... the top) that make up a tree. Is it perfect? No, the colour is slightly too sagey, and for no reason I can think of, the top is two shades lighter than the rest of it. That would be fine if they were going for an ombre, but I'm pretty sure the bottom two are exactly the same colour.

It's pretty enough though. And also candles.

I also got a gummy bear "drink jar", which is very cute, and some beads with which to perform crochet experiments.

Not a bad run, honestly.

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