
photo saturday: post-birthday lady walls

wonderwalls - lucinda wonderwalls - kerri

Some more walls. Surprising nobody.

Interestingly, these were more or less the first (on the left) and last (on the right) shots I took last week.

Also, two examples of the importance of having lighting in the right place when it comes to street art photos. But also, not wanting to spend a whole day waiting for the light to move around.


This week was my birthday. Obviously. But we covered that already.

There wasn't any Thursday Night DnD this week... because people were sick and we're at a Very Important Point of getting to the beginning of the story... so... we skipped this week.

Friday Night Not DnD was good... once again, we have a system down, so we're not getting hammered as much as we were in the earlier levels. I assume the game will take it's revenge soon enough.

It was also my Friday Night Birthday... so presents were had and tiny cupcakes were eaten.


Today was a non-zero amount of the supermarket, looking at very old recipe books and then taking a trip to Spotlight for reasons. Not thrilling, but perfectly fine.

So, a short one this week. Which is also perfectly fine.

Current mood:

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