
photo saturday: crystal boy

brother umerus - rogue, acolyte, shiny

I can't claim this completely as one of my designs... at least as far as the colour of the gem dragonborn skin... that was something that I saw on the Hero Forge Reddit and grabbed a copy of... I don't remember who it came from though, but I just liked the shininess of it.

And I think they had a more complex colour scheme for the body, I just simplified it down to the two colours that I really liked. Honestly, I need to deep dive into it and work out specifically how they did it.

Also, we're in the world of possible rogues... and the same armour I've used a bunch of times before.

I don't think I ever really came up with a whole story for him... he was more of a design exercise. But then the issue is that I'm kind of running out of new characters... because I'm not really making them right now. So I guess we'll see what happens when I run out of the current images.

Can you tell I'm a little all over the place right now? Yeah... that.


This week's soup was my slightly weird, very heavily rice based soup. So much so that it more or less became a stew. I'm sure there's probably an official name for that kind of thing. You know, beyond "rice soup". But it was very tomato forward with less chicken than perhaps it needed for the amount of rice I put in. It was filling though, unsurprisingly.

I do need something with more broth to it this week though, I think.

On Thursday, I went out to the car in order to head out to Thursday night DnD, only to discover that I'd left the window open a tiny crack on Saturday when we came back from our errands, and had left it like that all week. Which would have been fine, had it not hammered down with rain on Wednesday night and also Thursday afternoon about an hour before I was heading out.

Thankfully it was only open a little bit and I think that the rain was only able to get in from one direction, and might only have done so for the brief, if heavy rain on Thursday. But, in any event, I had to drive while sitting on a towel. And the seat is a little watermarked. Which is literally the last of my car's problems.

Otherwise, Thursday night DnD was pretty good. Honestly, I can see some of us falling back into "old habits", including myself. Which I get, but I also wish we could avoid doing that as much as possible. I might mention something next game if it's still something I notice, but we'll have to see what happens. There's also some of it that maybe I could address in character, but I never think that's great advice. Don't try and solve out of character problems with in character solutions.

Although, if my character does, in fact, take part in a drinking contest when we're all finished with the adventure part of the adventure, he might be a little less polite than usual.

Friday night DnD was excellent... even if it was mostly watching the party plan themselves in a complete circle at least twice. And then split the party and, for the second time in a row, have two members of the party go directly to the hag's bedroom while the other member of the party does something else entirely.

But, honestly, between you and me, I totally wanted them to attempt to sneak in, because it's the more interesting option, all things considered. Plus there's cool stuff that I want them to investigate and find. And also, I'm not doing the prep for this very complex section and having them have one conversation and then just run off, never to return.

It was a good session though. And there's good stuff coming, which I can't wait for.


Today wasn't much of anything... we did the supermarket, and that's about it really.

Current mood:

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