
photo saturday: lady killer

mirth - hunter, fighter, psionic

I think this is the first time that I've started one version of DnD Character Colouring Book, decided I hated the whole thing and started over. So, there's that about that.

Instead, I give you Mirth. Because I fucking love a tiefling "virtue" name. And for a brief moment I wanted to work out all possible things I could do with that jester shirt I've also used in like three or four other designs.

But I decided that Mirth was part of a female group of bounty hunters, who all wear the same costume, just in different colours.

It was also me playing around with the idea of a subclass I wouldn't normally be interested in.

And that's really all I have to say about Lady Mirth.

Moving on.

This week was potato and leek soup... and it was okay. Once again, if I put carrot in a blended, basically white, soup, then it goes a weird colour. Doesn't change how it tastes, but, as they say, we first eat with our eyes.

Which, stopping and thinking about it, and taking it literally, is a terrifying phrase.

Chunks of this week were taken up with doing last minute prep for Friday's DnD game... which included having to print a bunch more things that I either hadn't thought of, wanted to update or had missed out previously.

Then on Wednesday night, my internet shat itself. So much so that I called my ISP and while waiting for them to call me back (because that's what we do these days... we wait for some random person in another country to call us back... urgh) I kind of gave up and was going to watch movies. But, of course as soon as I reheated some soup, the nice lady called me.

And we did the "I already did this... okay, now do this" dance for a while to no avail.

She was as helpful as she could be under the circumstances, and escalated the job as appropriate to the NBN people.

But, of course... because Life has a sick sense of humour, as soon as I got off the phone with her... the internet started working perfectly again.

Don't know if it was something she did at her end, whether it was a temporary problem that fixed itself, I couldn't tell you.

It reoccurred on Thursday around the middle of the day, but I had a phone call from the ISP very shortly afterwards saying "hey, the NBN say they poked the problem at their end and it should be good now"... so maybe that minor outage was them doing that. Don't know.

It seems like it's... fixed. Fingers crossed, wood touched, salt thrown, smudge burned... all that stuff.

My ISP has been... I want to say "overly" solicitous... but honestly, I feel like it's the correct amount of solicitous... so I spoke to them Wednesday night. I got a call, as I said, in the middle of the day Thursday, another call mid afternoon Friday and a text message this morning.

Part of me wanted to be annoyed until I realised, no... that is exactly what you do want when there's a problem, you want them to be checking in on it. I guess my frustration, such as it is, just stems from "overseas call centres" in general.

Moving on.

Thursday night DnD was... relatively calm given the last game.

Was it because we spent the entire session in combat? Maybe. Was it because a certain player wasn't playing themselves but were playing an enemy NPC because of choices in the previous game? Maybe. Was it because we haven't played in about a month? Maybe.

I don't necessarily know why... but it was much more reasonable.

Do I still feel like I need a break? Maybe. I did decide that maybe I'll just see the book out, since we're only two chapters/adventures away from the end... plus we still haven't finished the current adventure. We'll see. It will also depend on what the group intends to do next... and how much they annoy me between now and then.

Which brings us to our main event. The one that consumed by brain the entire fucking week.

Friday night DnD. The true start of The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. And me as DM.

I felt less rusty this week. Did I screw things up? Absolutely. Did it fuck up the game? Not in the least.

And I need to say something, that out of context is going to sound super patronising, but I mean it in the most complimentary version of this... I'm so proud of my players. We played the game last week, they didn't know they were going have their characters effected the way they were. I then gave them additional information about how the rest of the world now treats their character, and they very much took it to heart and made that important to their character.

Because Fluffy's character had been separated from the others since childhood, his character had a different set of experiences, but he also had information that they didn't that he could then impart to them. And vice versa. I gave Mr and Mrs specific information about what happened after he left the town.

And I just sat back and let them interact at the start of the game. They literally went off to one side right by the entrance to the carnival and had a character debrief for at least 10 or 15 minutes. And mostly I could just sit back and watch them do my job of providing each other with information.

Also they reacted to certain things in ways I wasn't expecting... or in a much larger way than I thought they might. Which I then definitely fed back into the adventure.

It's also fascinating to me when an NPC voice comes out of fucking nowhere. I had an idea of what I wanted to do with that character, but it wasn't until I started doing it at the table that it really clicked in.

I think they might be at the carnival for a while... which isn't bad at all. I wasn't completely sure how long they'd be there, but I think it could be at least a couple more sessions, which is great, given they're enjoying themselves.

It's also fun to watch them spin theories and have no clue what's coming.

No clue at all... <morticia_addams_teacup.gif>

Moving on.

Today was... not much of anything.

We did the supermarket. We came back here. We futzed around. Ma went home.

And that's about it.

Current mood:

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