
photo saturday: faerie folk

mustardseed - fairy, sprite, fighterseafoam - faerie, pixie, sorceress

Today's DnD Character Colouring Book is... essentially the equivalent of me doodling in the back of my DM notebook. But doodling with Hero Forge. And a smattering of Photoshop.

These aren't characters per say... this is more me exploring the idea of fairy characters and pixies and sprites and potential NPCs, but they won't show up exactly like this. Like I said... doodling in the back of my notebook.

I do like how they both turned out. Especially Seafoam. She does have the most Photoshop fuckery... and I may have redone her like a billion times as I changed my mind about her overall colourscheme. But it was worth it... it's perhaps not the aesthetic of a character I'd actually play, but she sure is purdy.

Mustardseed is much more "whole entire newest Hero Forge outfit" plus wings.


This week was all over the place.

At the start of the week I got a Kickstarter backer reward in the mail. I haven't backed anything since... 2017. But this particular item I backed in 2012. Yep, that's right. This Kickstarter took ten years to be finished and send out rewards. Weirdly enough, it was ten years this week that the Kickstarter was fully funded.

At least they actually followed through... I've had other Kickstarters that funded, took the money and then disappeared into the aether. I'm looking at you D&D Documentary and Smart Phone Linked Watch. And probably some others, those are the ones that I remember tho.

I also went shopping for jeans.

I got a pair of jeans. The experience was not enjoyable. The resulting jeans are problematic in a number of ways.

I will need to go shopping for jeans again.


Don't ask. Just... don't.


Thursday night's DnD session was good. It was also, once again, one long combat session.

We'll see how next week goes.

There was no Friday night DnD... there was also not Friday Chiro Day. For the same reason. Yes, pandemical reasons. Both my chiro, Mr and Mrs are currently in isolation. Good times. Or... you know... something.

So instead Fluffy and I decided to watch movies and hang out anyway. And I made blue bread. Well. I tried to make blue bread. But I didn't put enough food colouring in, so it ended up kinda weirdly turquoise. It was still just... bread. Because food colouring.

It was an experiment. It was okay.

We watched an old version of Death on the Nile, because fuck the new version. And then we watched Turning Red... more on that later.

Today wasn't much of anything.

First up we had to go and do our civic duty and write down a bunch of numbers so that some other bunch of pointless twats can potentially replace the current bunch of pointless twats. We did however get a democracy sausage out of it, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Something something supermarket. Something something unpacking.

And we didn't really do a whole lot of anything after that. Lack of enthusiasm basically.

So there's that.

Current mood:

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