
photo saturday: fey weirdos

larkspur - fairy, barbarian, weirdondidi - centaur, monk, acolyte

Let's get a little monstrous... well, technically, a little fey for today's DnD Character Colouring Book... which is also weird because while the player race is fey, the monster manual entry is a monstrosity.

Have I mentioned that I like my fey whimsy a little dark at times. Think the tooth fairies from the second Hellboy movie... or the little insect fairies from Pan's Labyrinth. Basically, to paraphrase Tyra Banks, fey but make it creepy.

So as much as I absolutely want to make a Tinkerbell knockoff when the fairy race finally comes out, I also like the idea of a character who looks like they should be rainbows and candy, but is actually kinda blood and metal. And what better expression of that than a Wild Magic Barbarian. A tiny bundle of rage with wings.

There's also something to be said for making a character who is brightly coloured, and then dressing them in natural and neutral colours. And giving them a giant stone weapon.

Then we go the other way, from the small to the tall... with Ndidi, an African name that means patience, a centaur monk. I mean, an African zebra centaur isn't really an original or unique idea, and the fact that I gave him the Cruella hair before I saw the movie last week.

The idea of a centaur monk is intriguing to me... just because you have two extra limbs with which to hit... but at the same time, you can be somewhat defeated by... a ladder. Plus, how do you navigate a world made for people with a two leg body when you have a horse body.

Moving on.

This week wasn't soup... it was... well, it was something that is a spiritual successor to something I had as a kid... and a dish that doesn't really have a name beyond "savoury mince"... vegetables and mince and tomato and whatnot. So, I invented a dish that ended up quite tasty and paired it throughout the week with toast, rice, potato and pasta.

On the flip side, this week was all over the place.

Because of reasons, Friday night's DnD was actually on Tuesday... which meant bread was made on Tuesday and in general Tuesday felt weird and not like Tuesday at all.

Then Thursday was entirely too hot for September. Which might have led to part of my general annoyance with... things in general. Add into the fact that in the first combat I got temporarily turned to stone and then in the second combat I got stuck under the effects of a spell that threw off my ability to do a lot of things. Which led to me feeling useless, which is always annoying. And then we never got to completely vanquish the big bads due to a combination of DM shenanigans brought about by the fact that it was fairly late, and while, if it hadn't been so late, we would actually have finished the combat off more satisfactorily. I don't necessarily think cutting it off there was the completely wrong idea, but the baddie getting away never feels narratively fulfilling.

So, another Thursday, another instance of me being slightly frustrated.

Friday was Chiro Day... so, a trip into the city, some poking and prodding and then home again. But then because there was no anything on Friday night, the rest of the day and evening just felt like... nothing.

Honestly, this week was weird... and I think maybe my brain got cooked on Thursday.

Today was... going to the supermarket. Yeah, that was it.

Current mood:

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