
photo saturday: steadfast and kickass

dante - steadfast, clockwork, soldierliltar - kickass, monk, ballerina

So... a little bit of story time for this week's DnD Character Colouring book...

I have a thing about toy soldiers. It's perhaps less of a thing right now than it was a while back, possibly because I overdosed a little. But I still have a thing.

And in one of the more recent books there's a race ("origin", whatever) called Reborn... "individuals who have died yet, somehow, still live". I've also been musing on the Clockwork Soul sorcerer... it's a flavourful subclass... but sometimes subclasses like that are hard to get an interesting take on, because they can seem a little one in, it's hard to come up with alternative concepts unless you ignore some of the flavour text.

Then I thought about the Steadfast Tin Soldier. And about what might happen if somehow, at the end of that story, if the little tin heart that is all that remains of the soldier, was put into another body.

And so TS Dante, Reborn toy soldier, was born.

The outfit came out a little more matador and a little less military jacket, but I don't hate it. And yes, I know he has two functional legs... but either a prosthetic leg or a result of the reborn process would cover that.

That did lead me to playing around with the concept of the ballerina... and what better class for a ballerina than ass kicking elven monk, Liltar. The shoes also aren't perfect, but I improvised a pair of high heels into toe shoes, so it works well enough for what basically amounts to an NPC.

Moving along...

I made tuna mornay this week... and managed to adjust the spices to that it was super tasty but didn't rip the back of your head off. The spices did seem to fade a little as the week went on, but it was tasty either way.

I also got slightly obsessed in making a much smaller brother to the wooden staff I've had for... oh, coming up on 20 years at this point I guess. I noticed a nice looking piece of eucalyptus branch in the little patch of garden by the apartment's carpark... and broke out the cheap ass sandpaper I picked up for a former project and went from rough branch to smooth "wand" over a couple of nights. What it's final form will be and where it will end up living, I'm not sure, I'm enjoying it as it is right now... it's a little bit of a "fidget spinner in stick form" right now. Especially a couple of spots that have been sanded super smooth.

Otherwise, we were back to regular DnD sessions this week.

Thursday's game was... okay. After the last two sessions having Fluffy guest DM which meant that we had 7 players, we have a guest player for these current two games.... and, honestly, 7 players is kind of too much. Honestly, there's times when 6 players are too much. But on the up side, at least these are decently put together adventures.

Friday's game was one of those talky ones. Which we kind of needed, given the high stakes-ness of the previous couple of games. But we did a lot of surmising and assuming and predicting and wondering. And came back to somewhere that we had a fuckton of outstanding quest markers without really realising it. We didn't get quite through them all, but we made a dent.

It's also so strange to me that I can turn onto my character's emotions so quickly and then turn them off again when the moment has passed. For the longest time I never really understood seeing actors say that they can just get to an emotional place with no real prep... turns out, I kinda have the same ability, or at least some small portion thereof.

Next week, because it's Fluffy's birthday, we're taking a break from cold, death and destruction and doing what I hope will be a cute and fun little one-shot, which I'm running. But more on that next week.

Today was about the usual.

We did the supermarket thing, came back, faffed about a bit and then did a little trip to Cheap and Chips for general wandering and random things. Nothing super exciting or noteworthy.

So that's about that...

Current mood:

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