
photo saturday: seasonal boy

the cunetan - bud, flame, leaf and frost

A thought experiment for today's DnD Character Colouring book... and one that I've had in different forms for a while now. And that thought experiment is taking on the challenge of an eladrin...

Eladrin are elves native to the Feywild, a realm of beauty, unpredictable emotion, and boundless magic. An eladrin is associated with one of the four seasons and has coloration reminiscent of that season. Some eladrin remain associated with a particular season for their entire lives, whereas other eladrin transform, adopting characteristics of a new season.

And there are a few ways to do eladrin. The easiest is to pick a season and keep them there always. The other is to switch between seasons... but then you have the added challenge of a character with four different personalities... or four versions of a personality.

To me, if you're going to go that far, give each of those personalities it's own name. I like the idea that they are simple names. And also, I've used the "title as name" idea for High Elves in the past. This one translates to The Bowmaker.

Initially I was going to change up the costume, or at least the waistcoat, but in the end I decided that having a single outfit linked the four seasons together a little more. And yes, I am obsessed with that particular set of harness pants, thank you for noticing.

Also, yes, making the eladrin from the Feywild a Fey Wanderer Ranger is the correct choice. All the implied class backstory is then covered by the race... and lends some more story options than you'd get from a non-fey character.

Will I ever play this guy? Possibly not... I think I've mentioned before that Ranger is the only class I've never really explored. I mean, I've had character who multiclass into Ranger, but never just Ranger. And if I did, he'd probably end up defaulting to the Autumn version... because it's my favourite season... and it's also my favourite of the eladrin seasons.

Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill, when summer’s harvest is shared with all.

So there's that...

Moving on.

This week was... for the most part... dull.

I did a reprise of pea and ham soup... and yes, the secret to a decent pea and ham is "add a lot of other vegetables". I do kinda wish getting the ham part was simpler.... like, that ham hock, off the bone, kinda ham... I just put a lot of bacon in and call it a day.

There was no DnD this week.

Thursday night was called off due to a) two folks being unavailable... and b) nobody making a fucking decision, so I called the thing off, because no other asshole was making the call.

And Friday was called off due to Mr and Mrs having a pre-existing social engagement. So instead Fluffy came over and we watched a movie... the Cruella movie. More on that later. Because I have thoughts and opinions about that particular movie.

Today wasn't much of anything either.

We did the supermarket thing. Unpacked. Faffed about a bit. Ma went home. I think there was something that I said last week I wanted to do at some stage. But whatever it was, clearly it wasn't super important, because fucked if I can remember what the hell it was.

Clearly, very important.

Current mood:

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