
photo saturday: cushion the wild

cushion bushwild iris

This week was... within the specific context of my life the last few weeks... full on.

So, we're dipping back into regular photos this week, mostly because otherwise I got nothing to take the edge off all the words.

I made the somewhat unappealing sounding Chicken and Cabbage Soup this week (well, depending on your opinion of cabbage I guess). Basically it was just chicken and vegetable, but I added cabbage, because I just felt like it... and it was really nice. Very tasty.

Monday was my third and final jaunt down to the airport at the proverbial crack of dawn... and I was even further forward in the line than last week. So I was one of the first four cars served and back home by about 7:30am. And I got my results back just before 9:30pm the same night. Woo. Negative across the board, three for three, so I could finally leave my house and do things.

The most important immediate one to me was actually being able to go down to our apartment's recycling bins and get rid of three weeks of recycling. Nothing like having clear countertops to reduce that mental clutter.

Also, being able to let out the proverbial breath I'd been unconsciously holding since two Wednesdays prior.

Wednesday night was this week's Thursday DnD session... because reasons. And yes, if it seems to anyone else like we should just move the Thursday session back to Wednesday, I totally agree with you... but, you know... I'm not in charge of those decisions.

But anyway... we did like half a session of roleplay, as we are want to do at the start of an adventure in the current timeline. And it was the first time we'd all been together for three weeks, so we were perhaps a little rambunctious... and I won't lie, I forgot how to bard a bit and didn't use a number of my abilities. In fact it was only halfway through the game that I remembered I'd taken the Bountiful Luck feat to assist the party.

Fortunately we hadn't been rolling a lot of natural ones before that point.

Thursday was Chiro Day... because it was supposed to be last Friday, but that didn't happen, obviously. And getting out of the house and going into town was... weird. Doubly so in a mask and then going to the chiro where everyone was wearing a mask... not that people weren't doing that in the city... although there were a couple of folk whose noses are clearly just painted on and not functional organs, because their masks weren't pulled up over their noses.


Friday I was visited by Grubby and Thighs, the plumbers/roofers/tradies who came to look at my periodically leaky roof/ceiling. And as usual they sent me acceptably pretty tradies, one of whom I would definitely have wanted to wash first (which has a charm all it's own honestly), the other who seemed to be built in the himbo vein... cute, beefy and a little bit dumb. But they were nice and they were eye candy delivered right to my house and they did things on the roof and have fixed the issue in theory.

Or at least enough that I'm going to stress about it less until I have a reason to stress. Because otherwise, that way madness lies.

Also thankfully they showed up during the hour or so when it was nice and sunny and not while it was raining, so things got done and it wasn't a case of "sorry, we don't do the rain". Also, at about the mid point in the "we'll be there between X and Y timeframe" and not five minutes before the end of it, because that's always a pain.

Then we were back to Friday DnD after two weeks away. And it was also mostly a roleplay session. Which was lovely. Because we got to meet my graph paper husband, my graph paper son and my graph paper dog and cat. And hang around in my graph paper farmhouse and eat a delicious graph paper meal.

And then DM Fluffy had to give me a horrific vision from the big bad evil goddess of cold disinterest... while in the real world I was cuddling/dealing with the world's neediest cat.

So there's that.

It was a very "me" centric episode... but a) it makes perfect sense because we were with my character's family and b) there's only three of us playing, and it seems like a lot of my arc is right up front at present. Or that Fluffy has bolted a number of the story hooks onto my backstory... which is fine. The others will get their turn soon enough.

Short story long... it was a good session.

Today was the first time I've been shopping in three weeks. But also in a mask. So, both the good and the bad there.

Mostly it was picking up things I didn't totally need previously but was missing during the last few weeks. Or that I didn't think about until I was in the supermarket itself.

Afterwards we came back here, I unpacked, and Ma got out her laptop and asked several questions that I've answered at least six times already, but you know, if they stick this time we'll be okay. And we did a bit of catch up, watched a bit of YubTubs and then I sent Ma off with a lot of leftover frozen soup.

So, yes... not really all that much... but considering I've spent two weeks only looking at the inner walls of my apartment or driving to get tests done.

Current mood:

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