Bah humbug, maybe?
I dunno. I actually don't give a shit about any of the December rigmarole right now. Nothing seems worth bothering with honestly. Not like "life", just like all the festive bullshit. Tomorrow I have to up to Ma's place to put up the Christmas tree. And I couldn't be any less enthused than I currently am.
Like, the enthusiasm gauge is legitimately on 0%... in fact it might actually be dipping below zero at certain points.
Last Saturday, aka the birthday party, was better than anticipated. I mean I knew it wasn't going to be horrendous, but I haven't seen the majority of the former Nut House in... two and a half years. So, weirdness was built in. I did realise while I was on my way there that I'd essentially armoured myself in DnD character jewellery. And dark purple nail polish.
Because sometimes you just have to strap on your mental armour through physical items.
But there's a reason why I enjoyed spending time with those people. And why we got along. And also why, in the case of someone I'd never actually met before that night, we pretty much clicked into a similar mode to how I relate to the rest of them... because she'd been part of the team and was clearly One Of Us.
I told a number of DnD stories to people who were at least polite enough to be vaguely interested, and breadmaking and whatnot... Apologies to anyone I bored the pants off, but really, who cares.
I'd told myself I was only going to stay for a couple of hours and then disappear... that didn't happen, obviously, it was basically midnight by the time I left and I think I was the last of the "former workmates" to leave. It did mean I got to have a nice conversation with the birthday boy out on the porch though, so that was good.
But I had a good time.
Wednesday I went into town for DnD for the first time in three weeks (as in I wasn't in for two... does that make sense?), and it wasn't bad... the adventure was a bit m'eh honestly, but it was decent enough.
It also seems from what I've been told second hand that Wednesday nights won't be happening in December because our DM is often... oh, so many things to say here, none of them complimentary. I'm sure he has reasons... but given that he hasn't bothered to tell me what they are, I will choose to be slightly annoyed by his choices.
Things will be decidedly different when we start the new campaign I'm running. As in, it will actually run on a weekly basis unless I'm somehow incapacitated.
Thursday was Haircut Day. All the usual usualness. A little more "silvery purple" with my hair, but otherwise, nothing dramatic.
For Friday's DnD game I made cheese and chive bread, which was really good. I used more bread than the first time, and I added the chives... although I still need to try a version where I put the cheese in before it proves and see what happens then. Next week I might try a cranberry bread again.
We're also playing on Sunday next week, which isn't a bad option, but it won't be as late a night as we have been doing.
As far as the game is concerned, it was a very chill shopping/exploration/social session. Which I love, obviously. There were a few nice moments too. I mean it makes sense, but this is a very different vibe from other groups... it's quite chill, partly from the DM I think, but also these are mostly quite chill, if very weird, characters.
Speaking of chill... that's probably the way to describe today. I mean it isn't, because I'm not particularly feeling it, but it's as good as anything.
We didn't buy a hell of a lot at the supermarket, because now that we're not in soup weather again, I have no idea how the fuck to actually shop anymore. I either buy way too much stuff which potentially goes to waste like last week, or too little which then runs out, which I think is basically this week's direction.
Then we came back here, faffed around a bit, did a short trip down the road to Haighs so Ma could get something Christmas related for... somebody. Then came back here, watched some stuff on the YouTubes and called it a day.
So, yeah.
That's about it.
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