More photos from last week's excursion.
This week, however, has been a whotsaname... holding pattern.
Or it kinda feels like that anyway.
But, back to the beginning...
I've made tuna mornay a number of times. You could even say "a lot". I think this week's batch is the first time that I've actually properly made a proper mornay sauce. With all the cheese and everything. And of course a healthy dose of spices, but that's just usual for me.
But yeah, I took my time with the sauce this time, and it turned out pretty damn well.
This week was also the start of Daylight Savings... which meant that my body clock was all out of whack for the first half of the week. Weirdly more so on the evening end of things to be honest.
I also got sort of... let's not call it obsessed... but, you know, obsessed, with taking the Hero Forge versions of my DnD characters, throwing them into Photoshop and applying colour. Basically, as I realised towards the end of the week, my version of an adult colouring book. When I've finished all of them, I might post my favourite ones here... we'll see.
Speaking of DnD, there was only one game this week, the Wednesday day game. And, honestly, it was a red hot disaster. A bunch of regular folk weren't there, and neither of the DMs were on my first choice list. And the adventure we ended up playing was something of a mess (or became so because DM).
Next week I'm starting a campaign with new people, but only every other week. Which should be good. Not sure exactly what we're playing yet, but we'll work all that out on Friday.
Otherwise the week was a bit... blah.
Today, likewise, blah.
We did the supermarket thing. Because the weather has gone back to being Spring adjacent rather than Summer orientated, I'm going back to soup for now... chicken soup more specifically.
And then we came back here.
And we did a whole lot of nothing.
Originally we were going to go out and do... something. But there really isn't a something we needed to do. Or wanted to do for that matter.
So there was a period of time where we stood around trying to work out what to do if we went out... before giving up and not bothering. In the end we went over to Burnside Village to look at the pop-up Christmas store that was around last year (same shop, different location), before grabbing some lunch.
And that was that really.
Current Mood:

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