Well, I have three quarters of a functional face.
I'm definitely on the mend, basically I can use a big boy spoon and drink out of both a mug and a water bottle without the aid of a straw. It's the little things really.
Given that my lip/mouth muscles were the first thing to go, I'm guessing they're going to be the last things to come back, but there's improvement, so that's all I care about right now.
But rolling back...
Tooting my own horn for a minute, I'm pretty damn good at thick soups that include too much potato (potatoe... damn now both versions look wrong... although it seems the version with an E is the archaic... anyway)... this week was more chicken, chorizo and potato chowder, which I made good and thick. And that meant that I had to resort to spoons instead of straws. But it was fucking tasty.
DnD is, for the foreseeable future anyway, a one day a week event. And for right now, I'm okay with that.
The day game was us finishing off the sidebar game from a couple of weeks ago. And it was fun. Stressful at the end... but designed that way I think (especially since it was updated from an older edition of DnD). I'd also enjoy having the same DM run some stuff for us again later, even if he is a little too fond of using all manner of spiders as monsters (which this adventure had in spades).
The evening game... also stressful. But again, good stressful. And contrary to what I assumed last week, we spent the whole four hour session stuck in "the past", which interestingly seemed like it might have been an alternate version of history... a parallel timeline if you will. But there we were without all our fancy armour and weapons and magic items and doodads... fighting some pretty high level monsters. The one interesting thing, and I'm not sure if the DM fulled planned this or not, was that "in universe" there are three bad guys we met at the prison the first time around and we killed two of the three later... but in this "alternaverse" we killed the same two, much earlier timeline wise, but still. Odd.
And I got to have a very on brand freakout in character, so that was nice.
Thursday was Haircut Day... so I headed up the hill to Tink's place... on the correct day, which makes a difference given the recent past. Cut and paste the usual hair... perhaps more in the silver fading to white blonde vein, but otherwise usual. Weirdly someone she knows is also currently afflicted with Bell's Palsy also... what are the odds?
Friday was... urgh... let's just call it paperwork day. I mean it wasn't the worst thing in the world, but also, pointless busywork. Adventurer's League DnD decided with the start of Season 9 that they would change everything around again... after only having totally changed everything around at the beginning of Season 8. Once again, file under "It wasn't broke to begin with, so you should have left it the fuck alone". But it also means that I needed to do all the logsheet "paperwork" for all sixteen active characters I currently have. Even if one of them was literally just putting in the Season 9 logsheet in front of the Season 8 conversion logsheet. The rest of them I've pulled out of the drawer at least once in the last year, which is nice.
But it was a lot of fuckery. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fuckery (because paperwork and whatnot), but if it hadn't happened I wouldn't have been sad for lack of fuckery.
I also had another ciabatta loaf "evolving" all day. I'd made the dough last thing on Thursday before I went to bed, but it needs 18 hours plus another 2 once it's been shaped into a loaf, so I took a break late afternoon to get it from the "scary growing thing in a bowl" to, you know, bread shaped.
The on-going problem with fresh bread is that it is in fact both fresh and bread. Which is just dangerous. I did mitigate that a little by shaping what should be one loaf into two separate loaves... and it worked out pretty well. I do wanna try it as four small loaves or perhaps giant rolls would be the better description.
Also add cheese... because cheese bread.
Today was... look, our Saturday excursions are kinda dull more often than not... it is what it is.
I'm planning on making chilli again this week... because my chilli has been awesome historically (as in the last two times I made it).
Otherwise the supermarket was the supermarket. And look, I know that getting up before 9am to go to work on a Saturday morning isn't anybody's idea of a good time, but you could at least pretend to be an alive and functional human being, Check Out Girly.
Anyway... there was shopping, there was unpacking, there was general time wastage.
Ma wanted to go look at something in Big W... so off we went. There are some benefits to being financially unencumbered... one of which is not impulse buying a giant skeletal spider for $50. It was awesome and the legs were articulated and everything, but what the fuck do I need with a giant skeletal spider?
We poked around in general, grabbed a couple of useful but not essential things. Ma found the thing she was looking for but then made no decision about it one way or the other. So business as usual there.
And that was pretty much that. We came back here, watched the later half of a movie on TV and then Ma headed home.
Current Mood:

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