I have most of a face again.
The lower lid on my right eye works again properly, my forehead emotes and everything, basically I'm kind of at the same stage now as I was when I woke up originally the day this whole Bell's Palsy thing happened. I can't quite make all of my mouth do what it's supposed to, but it's coming along nicely.
After having grabbed a couple of plywood "trays" from Lincraft a couple of weeks back, and then having used the leftover stain from my bedside table project (based on, but not identical to this one) back when I moved into the Wellington Square apartment last week, this week I put three coats of varnish on it (leftover from the same project) and actually sanded it back between (something I didn't do with the bedside table) and then lined it with purple felt (well, the small one I totally lined, bottom and sides, the other I just did the bottom), so now I have a pretty good looking dice box that splits into two possible dice trays (or dice storage and a dice tray).
And yeah, I know I made a dice tray the little while back with a photo frame, but the base of that was a bit wonk and the dice continually rolled into the corners. It was pretty though.
But the new one is very cool. Problem being I don't have a way to keep it shut right now. And it takes up more room than my pencil case. But it's pretty. And I'll use it eventually.
Also, I have a fuckton of dice. Not really news, but seeing it in a different container kind of reinforces the idea.
Anyway, rewinding... I made a metric fuckton of chilli for dinners this week. I thought that perhaps I wouldn't have enough meat or whatever, but no... I had more than enough, between the beef and the pork and the canned beans and the corn and almost every can or jar of tomato in the house... it made tons.
I will say that I think possibly the "chilli powder" I made up with things that I had in the house the first time I made chilli this season was better than the packet stuff I used this time. I'll have to experiment with that again to be sure though.
Tuesday morning I got out of the shower to discover a giant spider (relatively speaking) just chilling on the edge of the sink. Definitely an instance where clothes are vastly superior to standing there in a towel. But I got him into an empty Nutella container and let him go outside.
Wednesday was DnD day, the day game was... fine. As it seems is always the case, it took us a long while to get our collective act together (which is at least partially also a DM issue, but whadyagunnado), and then a big giant battle. And maybe I did a bad thing at the end by using a spell that still had like 9 minutes left on it to stir up the area, wake up a bunch of bad guys and set us up for who knows what next week.
The night game was... not our usual game. Our DM wasn't available for... reasons (I dunno, and honestly, at this point, I don't really care), so I put forward the option of playing here at my place with me running, but we ended up going to one of the other people's place and her husband ran, which he's done before. It also meant that we got to play the characters who have been together since level 1 about two years ago. And they're now level 15 at the end of Wednesday's game.
It was nice to visit with those characters honestly... they have a very different relationship than the Out of the Abyss characters we've been playing for the last year and a bit. They are beasts though... but they've been beasts pretty much since the beginning. It has always been a good mix of abilities (and people for the most part) to be honest.
Friday I had my chiro appointment, which I was very much in need of. And I had a wander around town for a bit.
Today was, unsurprisingly, yet again, not much of anything.
Given that the weather is going to be warmer next week (urgh), I won't be making soup... I mean I could have, but I'm not gunna. Instead I've bought a bunch of chicken and I'm going to probably do a big oven baked chicken breast thing on Monday night, then invent variations throughout the week. I forsee a disaster by about Thursday... Wednesday at the earliest.
The supermarket was supermarkety... then we came back here, killed a bunch of time and ended up going into the city again for random wandering (I swear, we're going to have an actual plan and do an actual thing next week).
On a related note, fucking Christmas decorations are now available in the shops. As much as I think that Australia shouldn't be trying to do Halloween, there shouldn't be Christmas decorations in the shops until AFTER Halloween. It's like hot cross buns... they shouldn't be in the shops in January. But I acknowledge in both cases that it's a losing battle. And I'm also part of the problem because I at the very least look at the decorations as soon as I encounter them.
Mostly because there is some fucking tasteless tat out there in the world, even in the more expensive stores. Plus the amount of Scandinavian inspired animals, mythology and iconography of late is just weird. Not to mention everything having way too much glitter.
And nothing says "Christmas" like an iridescent crystal (clear plastic) lobster...
That's it really...
Current Mood:

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