I'm not completely sure this week falls into the category of an "interesting" week, but it kinda had it's moments.
Monday's DnD game was pretty good all things considered, and as one of the players said, it's the first time in possibly forever that we actually finished a four hour game in exactly four hours. Totally accidental, but still an achievement.
Wednesday's day game was... well, the phrase "comedy of errors" comes springing to mind. Firstly the game got switched from the hardcover game over to a playtest game (which is always a mixed bag, but more so because this was a short notice change), then there was a last minute change of venue meaning we started an hour later. Then the playtest DM was later even than that. And then we got about five minutes into the set up for the story and he got a phonecall that one of his kids was sick and he needed to leave and pick her up. So I stepped up and ran an adventure that three fifths of the players had already done (but I didn't realise that to start with and I couldn't be bothered running something else anyway).
Wednesday's night game was one of the best ones we've had, not gunna lie. And yes, it was very much a "me" storyline, but it was SO damn good. We basically roleplayed solidly for four hours (I mean DUR, but rather than roleplay plus exploration plus combat, this was all roleplay). And it was some very precise moments that came together beautifully. When your DM lets your character in on a secret the other characters don't know (even if the players do), and that secret is essentially about whether or not to kill a whole city full of "evil" NPCs... and your character already has a history of lying to his partymates. And one of the party very much objected to us "having" to kill those NPCs. Basically we ended up playing out the DnD equivalent of a drama on the WB.
Fucking brilliant.
There was no Thursday game. Well there were Thursday games, I just didn't attend any of them.
We went to pick up Ma's new car (new to her anyway) on Tuesday. And by "we" and "pick up" I mean that Ma drove down here, I drove her to the car yard and dropped her off because there weren't any obvious car parks. But now she has her new car and I have my car back, so that's good.
I just wish I'd waited to push my haircut back... and yeah, I probably could have messaged Tink and put it back where it had been originally, but that just felt like a dick move.
Then Friday I had forgotten to put my chiro appointment into my phone, fortunately I worked out that it was that afternoon, otherwise that could have been a problem.
Today we finally got back to "normal", in so much as "normal" means me driving my own car to the supermarket and then Ma driving her car wherever else we go.
Brief sidebar, Ma's car (as I think maybe I mentioned last week) is the four door version of the two door car she used to have. Essentially it's mostly the same, but just different enough to be a little weird.
Anyway, after last week's beef stew (which I ended up cooking in the oven for, I dunno, maybe 6-7 hours... which was good, but maybe a little bit TOO long), I saw a bacon and corn recipe in the recent Woolies magazine, so I'm gunna try that this week, see how it is.
Afterwards we came back here for the usual unpacking and pfaffing about, then we decided to head out to the Central Market to pick up some things. It's been a good long while since we were there, so there was some new stuff, including a place that basically sells nothing but Turkish Delight. So, you know, my idea of heaven. The main reason we went is so I could get some more steel cut oats and have a poke around one of the Asian supermarkets (unproductively). But we picked up a few things.
Then Ma wanted to stop at Spotlight for some more wool. Which I probably wouldn't even have mentioned had it not been for the fact that someone parked in the Officeworks carpark next door had driven forwards instead of backwards, mounted the divide, broken through two sections of the fence, hitting two different cars and partially fallen the three feet between the two carpark heights. Three people were not having a good Saturday.
Current Mood:

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