
photo saturday: structural

white stutsmill tree

camo rhino gallerysharp corner
"Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can't be right. I need a change, or something."
- Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
The mood of the week ladies and gentlehobbits.

I made a decision this week... and I'm totally going to do it. Except saying it "out loud", even here makes it real... or makes me accountable to it... or some bullshit thing. And it's really not that big of a deal I don't think, at least not in the general fabric of the universe, but it feels like a big deal.

At the end of the month I'm dropping out of running DnD on Mondays (and for at least a couple of weeks I might just not show up at all). There are a bunch of reasons for that, some are about the store no longer feeling like a comfortable space (there were a bunch of words I nearly used there, but none of them quite felt right... comfortable was the closest to my feeling though) the way the old store did.

Some of it is because the Adventurers League Powers That Be are changing all the same stuff they changed this time last year to a whole (mostly pointless, IMO) new bunch of stuff. They're fixing the changes they made to fix the things that really didn't need to be fixed.

Whereas they could have, I dunno, actually put thought and effort into what changes actually needed to happen to fix the problems they were allegedly having, and therefore actually make a positive change. But no, instead we will have had three different leveling up/progression mechanics in three years. Well done you muppets.

But mostly, when I really thought about it, I'm just burned out. Mostly from all the outside things saying "this thing you love doing, we're going to make it less enjoyable or make you jump through additional hoops in order to do it". I have been running every week (with three exceptions, two where other people ran and one where I was a toxic biohazard) for nearly 18 months. That's a lot of hours. Plus a lot of prep. So I need a break.

Speaking of DnD... Monday's game wasn't bad... I very nearly wiped out the entire party, but had mechanics in order to walk it back. Maybe I should just do that on the last game I run for them, just total party kill. I kid, obviously, although it would be memorable.

Wednesday's day game was fine. Wednesday's night game wasn't perhaps as outstanding as the previous week, but I was still dealing with fallout from my character's choices, so that was fun. Plus I got to target specific things about a couple of the other characters that I've been wondering about in the last few games and get answers.

No game on Thursday... it was too damn cold and wet and there weren't any games I was interested in.

In other news this week...

The "bacon and corn chowder" I made last week was more "corn and mush chowder", plus I don't know how they used regular sweet potato in it and got it to come out just slightly off-white in the photo. I suspect they used white sweet potato but neglected to actually put that in the recipe. In essence, it was rubbish, although I didn't strictly follow the recipe but I suspect it still would have been similarly rubbish anyway.

This week I'm rewarding myself by making actual chowder.

Last week I said that I had moved my haircut appointment from Thursday to Tuesday due to lack of car which because sufficiency of car... so I drove up to Tink's place on Tuesday. No Tink. Wrong Tuesday. It's this coming Tuesday and I'm a muppet.

At least it was a nice sunny day before the week went cold, windy and shitful.

Let's see what happens this Tuesday.

Otherwise that was about it I think... for the week anyway.

Today was m'eh to above m'eh.

We did the supermarket thing, the unpacking thing, the sitting around not knowing that the hell we intended to do with the rest of the day thing.

So we ended up doing a circuit at IKEA. Which wasn't the worst idea in the world. I picked up a couple of frames I've been meaning to grab for a while, and floated the idea of potentially buying a cheap ass dining table that I could use to run/host DnD games. I say floated in so much as I saw a table and four chair set that was $99, and it wasn't the worst cheap table I've ever seen. And I could make space for it.

Afterwards we swung through North Adelaide and grabbed some lunch from the North Adelaide Bakery (my old stomping ground), which was nice.

And that was it really.

Current Mood:

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