
photo saturday: yellow climb

port websilver slide

spidey climbweb mill
It's ten days until Christmas and my mood can still be best described as "m'eh".

This week's DnD was pretty good... Monday's game I had a new player who was in town for work from Perth, so that was different. And he may be back again since he commutes back and forth, which is cool.

Wednesday was only one game again (more on that in a sec), but it's also the second time I've teared up at the DnD table... because of the same NPC, but yeah... it was a bit of an intense session, by design, but yeah.

The Wednesday evening sessions are... on hiatus. That makes it sound more sinister than it actually is, I'm just kind of pissed off about it. I got a message from the DM saying that he was "stopping til after Christmas"... and I'm sure there's a reason for it, or maybe not, fucked if I know, but since all that conversation happens over on Facebook where I'm never going to be, I don't know. I was just a little pissed off that it seemingly came out of the blue.

Also, small DnD based rant (feel free to skip this if you really don't give a shit), but when you choose to DM for a group of people, you enter into an unspoken social contract... they agree to show up and play, you agree to run games for them. But while it's important that they show up, you can do without all of them all the time, whereas without you as the DM, they can't play in your world. They can still play, especially in Adventurer's League, because that's the point, but it's not the version of the world you have in your head. And I understand that people get busy and have lives and all that shit... but playing DnD is like any other commitment or relationship in your life, if you don't make time for it, it's not going to be the same when you come back to it.

But as I said, I'm sure there's a reason, or maybe it was that everybody was all doing their own thing that meant they wouldn't be showing up, I don't know. I'm just a little bit pissed off about it.

On the up side, it has meant that I haven't had to run from one game to another on Wednesdays, and a couple of us had an interesting chat after the day game, so that was nice.

Anyway... Thursday I got to be there for a new DM's first session. He's someone I've played with for a few weeks now, and he was definitely good DM material, that was pretty fucking obvious right from the start. And, yeah, his first session proved it. He still needs a little more confidence (which will come as he runs more games), but he definitely has the right stuff to be a great DM.

Friday was my chiro appointment, which was pretty average.

Today was effective but not really much of anything.

The supermarket thing this morning was padded out by some additional Christmas/pre Christmas supplies... and clearly other people were having the same idea, because the supermarket seemed to have a lot more people in it... there were definitely more people working the checkouts.

Afterwards Ma needed to pick a couple of things up for her Secret Santa at work, as well as some random crap for people she'll be seeing after Christmas, so, with some slight trepidation on my part, we headed into the city.

And we managed to find everything she wanted... even if all of the random crap was just us walking into the "Christmas gift food" section of Target and basically throwing a range of stuff in the $10-12 range into a basket. Problem solved.

I think I've said this before, but as much as I love picking out exactly the right gifts for people, there are people where a) that's too much work, because you only see them once a year, if that, and really have no idea what they're interested in or b) that effort is never reciprocated and people use the "you're just too hard to buy for", to which the answer is generally "no, you're just not paying enough attention or don't give enough of a shit". Sometimes both. Especially when it's both. In those instances, I say cut your losses and go for something easy... if it's something that will also get a smile from them when they open it, even if they forget about it by New Years, you've done okay.

Wow, I'm in a fucking preachy mood today aren't I.

Actually I'm just in a mood.

Anyway... we picked up all the crap we needed, dumped it back in the car, had lunch at Burger Theory and then called it a day.

Tomorrow is Christmas Goodie Making Day... and I'm really not that bothered. I mean, I'm gunna do it, but I think we're going with minimum effort for maximum return to be honest.

Current Mood:

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