It's the first of December... it's officially the start of the Christmas season... tomorrow I'm heading up to Ma's to put the Christmas tree up. And I don't give a shit.
No, that's not entirely true... it's more that I have no fucks to give. My fuck drawer is fresh out of fucks. I don't know if it's because of where I'm at monetarily, or emotionally or the fact that with one thing and another, Christmas kind of snuck up on us, but yeah, it all seems to have happened suddenly and I'm not real interested.
Don't get me wrong, I'll go through as many of the motions as I have to, but my heart isn't in any of it.
But no so much "bah humbug" as it is "m'eh".
I managed four games of DnD again this week... which made Wednesday essentially one long DnD game, which is kind of great, but also kind of awful because it's the whole day gone.
Anyway, Monday's game was good... although one of the players, who isn't a regular, but has been on my table a number of times is occasionally flirty... but I don't know if it's "i see you as safe, so I can flirt with you without it getting weird" flirting or "I'm so comfortable in my indeterminate sexuality, that I don't really think this is flirting" flirting. Which would be neither here nor there if it wasn't somewhat my physical type.
I mean it's nothing, and it's not extreme, and it's 90% likely he's straight and/or not interested, and he's too damn young... but, you know... it's a thing that happens.
Also, I don't know if it's my DMing style or if it's my players, but I think I need to double down on the opening/quest giving... I have a plan for trying to make it clearer for them for the next game, but if that doesn't work, I may run a game for them where if they can't remember why they're supposed to be going to do something, they just don't go and do it. See if that makes them pay a little bit more attention.
Wednesday's games were interesting... partially because the day game meant I got to both play my character and pretend to be a completely different character (possession by the ghost of a dead wizard will do that). And then we followed the day game up with a few rounds of Dungeon Mayhem, which is a really cool game, especially for someone who may be interested in the idea of DnD, but not want to commit to playing... it's basically DnD PvP lite.
The Wednesday night game... that's much more interesting. And we're still in the space created by the fallout from my character's confession about his past a couple of weeks back. But this week we got to have both a shopping episode AND a bathhouse episode in the same session.
And on top of that my character almost said too much to the father of the NPC he'd been sleeping with before the revelation... that was a hot second of awkwardness. I also managed to accidentally set myself up as a suspect in a murder. So next week should be interesting. It's not exactly what I expected to be doing in that particular dwarven city... but such is DnD.
Also, I need to get better at not hanging around after the day game until there's only time to catch my bus home, change character sheets and set off again.
Thursday's game was an interesting one... someone I know well but have never had DM for me, the party were mostly people I know and have either played with or run games for, or just seen around the place. Sometimes, a group of people sit down at the table and their characters just instantly gel... they work together as a team, it all just works. And then there was this group.
Don't get me wrong, none of it was bad, but it was all a bit all over the shop. And I'm playing my cleric who is basically a rich kid S/M enthusiast who doesn't have a lot of time for anyone. Which was super easy to play at that table. And while it was an adventure that could be pretty much entirely played via roleplay without any combat (and I knew it, having played half the module once before), I didn't do a single point of damage (or heal a single point for that matter) to anyone, and didn't use a single offensive spell.
I'm kind of curious how long I can keep that up for... possibly for a while in adventures from the newest season, since they're perhaps a little TOO heavy tilted towards the roleplay (vs the other types of play). And also how long I can go without healing damage to anyone but myself.
I mean his goddess DOES preside over pain, hurt and torture...
Yeah... DnD!
Friday I had the tradie out to take a better look at my stove than the last tradie did... and it seems that he's gotten it working properly, which is good... we'll see how long it lasts.
So that was about it for the week really.
Oh, the Fringe guide dropped on Thursday also.
I'll dive into this a little more in my actual Fringe picks post, but I can never tell if my economic situation colours my judgement on what's available, but there were relatively few shows I was excited about this year... sure I didn't go through the listings 406 times like I've done the last few years, and I probably need to do a secondary run through, just in case, but there were less than a dozen shows I was interested in this year. I know that I'm much less likely to take chances on super weird stuff of questionable quality when times are lean, but even so...
Anyway, on to today.
Normally, I think, I really don't remember since it only happens once a year, on the Saturday before the Christmas tree, either Ma doesn't come down at all or she comes down, we do the food shopping and maybe the odd thing and then she buggers off home. But usually we've finished Christmas shopping beyond a few outliers well before the start of December.
So we had a relatively normal Saturday... although to be honest, because we bought a few additional things at the supermarket, it did end up being a bit of a mega shop. Partially that was us buying bits and pieces for goodie making, partially it was me realising that I actually need to buy enough of the right stuff to actually be able to make meals during the whole week (specially given that I'm out of the house now on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights).
Then we came back here, Ma went through the Fringe shows I'd picked out, they all met with her approval (so it's mostly going to be a Ma and me year this year also, since there was only one show I picked just for me).
She needed a couple of final-ish things for a couple of people, so we decided on the Big W to Target to Kmart circle (with a trip to Officeworks thrown in because I wanted a couple of bits and pieces from there)... only missing out the Kmart part because we didn't need anything there once we were done with the other places.
So, some Dr Suess, Roald Dahl, basketry and various paper and sticky tape later, we were pretty much done.
And now I remember why it is we usually have all (or at least most of) the shopping finished by mid November... people... urgh.
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