
photo saturday: squares and circles

coveside mannercrago train

hotel bondicriss cross tower

This week has been one of those weeks where everybody wants something and it often look longer than it should, involved more people than it needed to and made me more than a little nuts.

On the up side, as always with that kind of week, the days flew by.

Rolling back to Sunday... I made what was definitely the best tomato soup I've made yet... Jamie Oliver's roast tomato and bread soup. Yes, those are the two main ingredients, roasted tomatoes and bread. I will admit I was more than a little sceptical, but the bread adds a nice texture, the salt and pepper I put on the tomatoes before I roasted them added a lot of great flavour and the splash of red wine vinegar at the end makes it the tastiest tomato soup. That's definitely a recipe that's going on the list.

Otherwise Sunday really got away from me. It was 3pm before I knew it and I hadn't even had any lunch, then the day was over before I knew it.

The rest of the week was, as mentioned, somewhat nutty. Although, given that, everything else was quite dull.

This week marks the point where I'm going to finally switch back to salads... I had some success with one during the week, so we'll give it a go for work and see what happens.

And because of that I kept it simple at the supermarket this week... potato, green beans, lettuce, tomato, tuna and one of three possible cheese choices. I'll also have to experiment with salad dressings again, which to be honest, was often the most interesting part of the salad experience, mixing random things together and concocting something tasty.

Anyway, when we were finished at the supermarket, it was back here for the usual unpackery, then finally we wanted to go to the movies, but first wanted to look at a couple of things in the city, so we headed in.

While I always know that the reason that I want us to be finished with Christmas shopping well before December rolls around is because the weekends fill up with other things like Christmas trees and making goodies, but also because people be crazy and useless and don't pay attention... more so at Christmas than at any other time. And it's already going on.

I found a really nice snowman brooch for Ma, from Erstwilder (the same company as the lighthouse brooch I bought her last Christmas) and the nice woman in the store helped me cover it up from Ma (if "you can't look at these things here because of reasons" and "yeah, what he said" essentially amounts to "covering it up") and wrapped it up nicely in a gift box for me.

From there we had a poke around both David Jones and Myer's Christmas decoration sections... we bought some really pretty plain coloured glass baubles from DJ's, including some clear ones (but coloured clear, if that makes sense). We still don't exactly know what we're doing with the tree this year... we may have to play it by ear.

Myer has essentially turned their entire top floor into some for of Christmas bazaar/circus/explosion which is a little overwhelming but also full of all kinds of interesting stuff. So we spent a little longer than we probably should have done wandering around.

And then we high-tailed it back to the car and moved it around to a car park closer to the cinema.

I will say that I hope they're getting more people in on other days, because the place just seemed pretty dead again this time. Yes, last time was the Saturday after they opened, but it wasn't much better this time around... which makes me wonder if people actually know it's there and if it's going to last all that long.

When we were done, we came back to my neighbourhood and went to Enzio's for some lunch, which was quite nice... I may have to treat myself to breakfast there at some stage.

So that was that really...

Current Mood:

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