
photo saturday: zen garden


This week's post is brought to you by acute viral nasopharyngitis... also known as the common cold.

Yes, after making it past the mid point in August and dodging any number of colds and illnesses that have afflicted my co-workers, it finally caught up with me this week.

So it's made the rest of the week a little more challenging.

But starting at the beginning. Last week's soup was  equal parts success and disaster... and I say disaster only because I wanted to add a little more spice and flavour to the chicken and vegetable soup I was making. I found a couple of packets of chicken tinga flavouring amongst my pantry and decided to add them both. I'm going to say for future reference that one would have been more than enough. But the soup had a little of everything in it, and a couple of chicken breasts, and I blended the whole thing, chicken included, which was kind of interesting and pretty much successful.

Then I got sick, and as usually happens when I'm sick I either lose most of my appetite or else I get cravings for very specific things. And I think both of those things happened this time. Which would have been fine, had I not already made excessive amounts of soup. Ah well, at least Ma happily accepts all my left over soup.

So this week has been mostly been spent in a bit of a haze... especially at work.

Thursday was Haircut Night. After my last haircut I've been thinking about changing the colour to match in a little more with the uncoloured parts of my hair. In short, to take some of the yellow out and matching it with the silver that's coming in. Well, it's been there for a while to be honest.

The cut is the same, but we got a less brassy tone for the main part of my hair. Tink recommended I get some of that toning shampoo just to add to the toning, so I picked some up today.

Today was fairly standard, all things considered. First the supermarket... and I decided on potato and leek soup for this week, something simple and uncomplicated just in case this cold persists.

Neither of us bought an awful lot to be honest.

And then after we got back and I'd unpacked all my stuff, we decided to head down to Marion (with a brief stop off first at the post office to pick up a parcel).

There was also a brief stop off at Laygo (the Lego store on South Road) since we were going past, mostly to order the next series of minifigures (which I also still need to do a post about)... but I had a nice chat with the guy who runs the place too.

We didn't really do a lot at Marion... I did get a new mouse for my laptop (same brand and model as the last one, but this one is red... to be honest, the black one looked a little better... but red) from Big W, and as I mentioned, picked up some of the toning shampoo (and conditioner).

Then we pretty much headed off to the movies, more on that later, although I will just say that moving to this apartment has very much done a number on our movie going habits, and it was already in decline anyway...

After the movie we stopped off in the new "fresh food" area at Marion at one of the new eateries, Warong, and had some lunch... it was pretty good, although the seating is slightly diabolical.

It'll be interesting to have a proper poke around that area next time, try some of the other food options... but really anything will be an improvement on their food court.

And that was pretty much that to be honest. But at least we were able to stay out of the weather.

Current Mood:

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