
movies: tomorrowland

There's a line during the first half of Tomorrowland where George Clooney's character says something to the effect of "It was an ad for something that no longer exists".

And without getting too deep into spoiler territory, that is precisely how I feel about Tomorrowland and it's trailer. I was sold a particular bill of goods by the trailer, but the movie itself is nothing like that. And much the worse for that to be honest.

What the movie ends up being is a fairly heavy handed environmentalism plot line and a story that spends the whole running time waiting to get off the ground (figuratively speaking).

Clooney wanders around being a grumpy old man, but Britt Robertson does a decent job as Casey, even if the majority of her role is to wander around asking questions. And Raffey Cassidy is fantastic as Athena.

But at the end of the day it's a fairly disappointing and lackluster story. And not exactly that original... which would be excusable if it has been more interesting.

yani's rating: 1 pin out of 5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This movie was one of the newest movie of Disney. I saw the trailer of this film and it was really amazing movie. I read the review and feel excited to watch this movie Tomorrowland.