
it's my (48th) birthday

happy 48th birthday to me... and 39th birthday to johnny flynn too

Some years, my birthday falls over the weekend or, in the Before Times, during peak Fringe activities or you know, whatever... some years, it just falls on the public holiday Monday and... nothing happens.

Guess what this year is. Yep... a Monday. And a Monday where I closed up the house at like 11am and put the aircon on. And have done... precisely... fuck all. Which is perfectly fine.

On the up side, at least its better than last year, when my mood could best be described as "fuck my birthday, fuck travelling around the sun in a prescribed orbit, fuck everything and fuck you". I didn't even bother with making one of these images last year.

And, speaking of which... a new challenger enters the ring this year. Well, not so much a "challenger", more so a new member of the March 14 Club. Johnny Flynn, who I had not actually heard of before I did my customary internet search for people also born the same day as me.

He is, according to the internet, an actor, musician, and singer-songwriter, and was in the 2020 adaptation of Emma, which is where the above image comes from. All stiff collars, linen and doing an allegedly "gratuitous" nude scene early in the movie where he flashes his butt while being dressed by his valet. Honestly, though... English period movies and male nudity... they go hand in hand, and if I could be bothered making a list I would. See also, pretty much anything by Merchant-Ivory Productions.

Happy Birthday Johnny. You join the list of famous faces that get birthday wishes from me for sharing my birthday... including, three-time featured Jamie Bell, Johan Paulik, Taylor Hanson, Michael Caine, Chris Klein, Albert Einstein, Corey Stoll, Daniel Gillies, Ansel Elgort, Demetrius Joyette, Stephen Curry and Antoni Porowski.

Happy Birthday gentlemen.

Current mood:

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