
photo saturday: night bird

Most of the time I don't base my DnD characters on existing fictional characters. I mean, I've done it a little bit with the visuals a couple of times, but I don't tend to take a character and convert them over to DnD... and then want to play them.

Usually it's just a design experiment.

Today's DnD Character Colouring Book breaks that rule, and it's squarely the fault of the person who gave me a Nightwing graphic novel for my birthday.

So at the end of that, we end up with Kaulo Chiriclo... whose name may or may not translate to Night Bird.

Normally people think you need to make Nightwing/Dick Grayson a rogue. But that doesn't work for me for a number of reasons. Firstly, he's not a rogue. He's an acrobat. And yes, the Thief subclass would give him a climbing speed. But, second point, he uses Escrima sticks as he weapon, which are basically clubs. And because they're clubs, you don't get to use sneak attack while wielding them.

No, to me, Nightwing is a Monk. Either a Shadow Monk or a Kensei Monk, but Kensei made more sense to me... Shadow works, you just need to flavour all his spells as gadgets. But I like Kensei more. And you make him a variant human with the Athlete feat, which gives him a climb speed, lets him get up using on 5 feet of movement, and lets him jump slightly better.

The problem now is that I actually want to play Kaulo and turn him into a real character. But I wasn't looking to play a monk as the next character up on the roster. I had been leaning more heavily towards rogue. Or, possibly, some sort of dhampir character. Depends what the Thursday group ends up doing honestly.

We'll see.

And of course, anyone who has been paying attention can probably guess that I went off and did a quick possible dhampir rogue character right after I said that... and possibly a Phantom Rogue Dhampir, because that just has synergy.

That's probably next week's post... so stay tuned.


Monday I pretty much covered already... birthday and all that.

Tuesday was Cleaning for Rental Inspection Lite. Yes, a month after I moved in. They decided that was a good time to do and inspection. Which happened in the Portrush Road house too. And when I was explaining it to someone later in the week, I realised why.

They want a baseline. They want to check that you didn't, like, put your head through the wall... or, you know, the non-weird equivalent to that. They wanna know you didn't wreck the place while moving in. I get it. It's still weird, but I get it.

So, I tidied some things away as best I could, reorganised the kitchen bench a little, cleaned the bathroom... then vacuumed and mopped the floor. Well, vacuumed all the floor and mopped everything that wasn't carpet. Because that makes sense.

It didn't take a ton of time... because, as previously stated, I've only been in the house for a month.

Wednesday was the inspection. So, I left the house first thing in the morning and went to run errands. Basically, I went to Officeworks to print off the last of the DVD covers, then took the empty moving boxes back to the moving company. And met the woman who I'd spoken to on the phone originally and right before the move... and she was pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Lovely, but, yeah.

And I got about $30 back for the boxes, which is better than the proverbial kick in the nuts.

Having done that, I detoured to Burnside Village to pick up my free Birthday Boost Juice and grab some lunch, since it was basically just past noon at that point, then headed home.

As I've said before, coming home after an inspection is the best feeling, because you get the benefit of clean house without having to worry about the inspection anymore.

Also, just after I got back it started to rain, so that was nice. And as I said to Fluffy, it's nice to be able to appreciate the rain without worrying it's going to come into your house uninvited.

I spent the rest of the day trimming up the DVD covers and putting them in the cases. Only to discover, as I put the very last one on the shelf, that for some reason, the spine text was... a completely different font. No idea why, no idea how that happened. But it did. And fuck.

So, I made the alterations to it and headed back out to print it. In the rain. And I got to Officeworks and was about to get out of the car and realised... "where's my mask". Yeah, I'd washed it when I got home, since I'd been wearing it a lot over the last week. So it wasn't where it usually was, and I totally forgot to grab one of the others.

Yeah, I turned around, came back home, grabbed a mask, and went back to Officeworks. Frustrating, but at least I got it all done.

Thursday I started organising the TV show DVDs... 

Thursday night DnD was pretty good... we continued the adventure for last week, and it looks like we'll be finishing it up next week. But overall, pretty good.

Friday, Fluffy came down early so we could watch the latest Bond movie. Oh, I have opinions about that. Stay tuned for that one later.

Also, putting a whole bag of chocolate buttons into a loaf of bread leads to some bread instability. But at least I didn't overcook it this time.

Friday night DnD was... also pretty good. Not much of huge import to report yet, but it was fun.

Today was... a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

We started with voting. Woo. Election. Urgh.

On the plus side, at least I wasn't completely out of my mind on cold and flu medication and I didn't yell at a sarcastic old volunteer lady. So, there's that.

It took about an hour all up. A lot of standing around... or, you know, queuing.

Finally it was done and we'd had our Democracy Sausage... actually for the first time, because normally either we've been too early for that or the places we've voted haven't been doing them. It was... fine.

After that we did the supermarket.

The plan after that was potentially to sort out the cardboard boxes of art and transfer them over, possibly, to the plastic tubs I already had. Or to go out and get new ones. So, I started looking at some boxes online... but got slightly distracted by looking at potential new TVs.

I did unpack a couple of the art boxes, found a piece that absolutely had to be out of the box, and then we headed out to look at plastic boxes.

We went to Big W and then Cheap as Chips to investigate boxes sizes and shapes. And... nothing. None of the ones we found were quite right, so in the end, we came back empty handed and ended up just repacking all the boxes that were already in the wardrobe.

So, that was, basically, a big fat nothing. At least the boxes got properly reorganised this time.

And it was like 4pm by the time Ma headed home.

So, not technically the most productive day... but, not so much.

Current mood:

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