
photo saturday: lines

yellow and greytracks

Those of you who are a) still reading this shit after all these years, b) even slightly observant or c) both, maybe have noticed that it's Fringe season and I haven't mentioned Fringe at all.

There are a number of reasons for this, a lot of which is financial, and hence clearly none of your damn business, however I just didn't feel comfortable going to confined spaces with random people. I mean, yes, Fringe was doing all their due diligence, making things as safe as possible, but... I'm just not feeling it this year.

So, yeah. There's that.

But that also means that given that this is "my birthday week", culminating tomorrow... and I'm not really feeling that either. Usually though, we schedule something Fringe related specifically on or for my birthday. And with that off the table, I honestly am not feeling my birthday this year.

I'll come back to that later though.

Wednesday DnD was... a lot. We started a new adventure, I'd prepped it fine, it was a little too short and there were parts of it I wasn't feeling. But it seemed like it would okay.

And the session started well, where I introduced the scenario and the players just ended up roleplaying amongst themselves for a good ten minutes and it was everything and I loved it. Eventually we kicked off the adventure and... there are those moments when things just start to slide into inappropriate wackiness and there's nothing you can do to stop them. Which derailed us for a little bit. Well, mostly them, I was ready to move on. And also, I have not ever met a chase scene in a DnD adventure that actually works. Chase mechanics, as written for the game, just do not work. They make no sense.

It is worse when you set up a whole chase scene and then the first player to take their action ends the chase on their turn. So, what should have taken maybe five minutes took all of 30 seconds. Grrr.

Anyway, it wasn't the worst. But I still have to run the other half of it next week, but hopefully that will be less of a problem.

Friday was, first off, my chiro appointment. So I toddled off into town for that.

Then Friday night DnD was actually really good. We partially solved a mystery, investigated another one, did a lot of roleplay and had a fun time. And, I have to say, some quick thinking/adaptability on the part of our DM. Oh, and also, like last year, there was passionfruit cheesecake, which was very good.

Today was... not much of anything really. Ma was getting her hair did this morning, so I was on my own for shopping. And I may have been in a little bit of a daze this morning, so I don't really know what I bought.

For whatever reason, Ma didn't get down to my place until late, relatively speaking... 10:30, almost 11 maybe. And we'd kind of thought about going to the movies as a birthday thing, but, yeah, with that as the backdrop, we kind of gave up on it for this week. With the intention of doing it next week. Probably.

So instead we just went to Spotlight because Ma had an errand she wanted to run. And we did that, and then called it a day.

Like I said... I don't really give a shit about my birthday this year. I mean it's going to happen, the birthday that is, but I honestly don't give a shit about making a fuss about it this year.

So yeah, like I said, there's that.

Current mood:

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