
photo friday: bad moon rogue-ing

agent 13 - dhampir, investigator, medium

Remember last week when I threw around some ideas of the next character I might play for the Thursday games... 

A Dhampir Phantom Rogue was mentioned. Yeah, welcome to this week's DnD Character Colouring Book... and Agent 13. And the potential fleshing out of same. At least a little.

What I do know... Agent 13 (not his real name, obviously, but I could decide on a name, and I'd been reading a lot of the Grayson series of comic books where everyone is Agent Some Number, and it just struck me last Sunday on the walk to the bakery) went missing for several weeks, was found by a secret society, already having been turned into a dhampir... or an attempt was made to turn him full vampire and it failed.

I feel like, given his Phantom Rogue class, there are a couple of the dhampir origins that I can smash together... so either I go with the very predictable but safe option of "you survived being attacked by a vampire but were forever changed", or I go with something that makes more sense with the Phantom subclass and go with "a predatory spirit lives within you and you share it's hunger"... which I think makes more sense.

I could almost flavour that as a Venom for Spiderman idea honestly... which may actually be the reference the original list was making. And, having whole conversations with yourself in character has it's appeal. Plus it has the added bonus of freaking other players out at times.

As is the fact that he's a very tall character, even without the heels... and I'm picturing a possibly raspy or otherwise creepy English accent... and the fact he "feeds" on psychic energy/strong emotions as a way of preventing his need to feed on blood. Yeah... there's some definitely creepy factors there.

What I haven't fleshed out completely is the Secret Society. Could it be the same one as my Egyptian Inspired Boy, Captain Odell, from a few weeks back? Possibly, given they're wearing the same coat, shirt and boots. Also, they clearly have the same barber and crossbow supplier.

I do love an organisation that has a uniform, but only as far as the cut or style of the outfit, not the colour or details.

But clearly, they're an organisation that works separately as individual agents. Maybe they always went out into the world and found adventurers to aid them in "tracking down dangerous supernatural phenomena and preventing it from doing harm". Or maybe they used to actually be a team, but now 13 and Odell are the only two left.

Honestly, it would very much depend on what adventure we were playing as to how much fleshing out the story got. I also like the idea that he's lying about the whole thing, there is no group, there is just him and he's doing all this because of what was done to him.

But, at some point, I kind of want to play a game where everyone is just part of the same organisation at the beginning. You might know each other well, but you know each other enough to skip some of the getting to know you parts of the adventure.

Weirdly enough, a new book dropped this week, totally out of the blue (to me at least), Journey through the Radiant Citadel, and I love the idea of playing him in that. Actually, I love the idea of that generally. It sounds like it could be super fun.

We'll see. Anyway.

Monday was... actually kind of a write-off... I ended up spending most of the morning at Officeworks printing out the big old collection of DVD covers for the TV shows and things. And then most of the afternoon trimming them... which basically amounted to making almost 400 cuts. So, it took a hot minute.

Also, I fucked up a couple of the covers (always the way) and had to redo those ones and take a second trip to Officeworks in the afternoon.

They look sensational though.

Tuesday my replacement Ridge Wallet arrived. So now my wallet is all new and fancy and Burnt Titanium and has half as many cards in it. Woo.

Wednesday I took a trip to Bunnings to peruse their solar fairy lights... and went to a two storey one that happened to have a Cheap as Chips next door so that I could kill two birds with one stone.

I did the usual trick that I do when I'm struck with indecision. I perused the lights and then I picked up the thing I thought I wanted and walked around the store with it before going back to the fairy lights section, being indecisive about whether I wanted to get anything at all, before finally picking a different (read: cheaper) option than the one I'd wandered around the store with.

I then just wandered around the rest of the store for a while. And, I have to say that, as someone who doesn't have a garden, taking a wander around the Bunnings Plant Nursery is actually quite soothing and pleasant on a Wednesday afternoon.

Or, you know, whenever.

That was followed by a quick Cheap As Chips trip to pick up more plastic tubs for the linen closet... then home.

Thursday night DnD was finally the culmination of the adventure that took us three weeks to complete. And was so stuffed with magic items it was kind of ridiculous by the end. But the final fight was slightly irritating, but overly fairly quickly, all things considered. As I've said many times before, this particular group tends to specialise in their own areas and it makes any characters we play slightly scary at times. Also, there are currently 7 players, (which is about 2-3 more than my preferred group size, but it's kind of hard to throw someone out once they've been taken into the fold, unless they leave of their own volition) and that also makes us something of a murder machine.

Friday was Chiro Day... so, the usual trip into town. And I had a bunch of other places I wanted to stop in at... most of which turned out to not have what I was looking for... I mean, two of the places I mostly wanted to see what they had available.

But I did get some things for displaying some bits and pieces, so that was useful.

And then Fluffy came down a little earlier and we watched the third Tom Holland Spider-man movie... more on that in a bit... before heading out to Friday Night DnD.

An odd session. It's not every session that you get up from the table and play-act the end of Shrek inside of the already existing game. And then leave the recently raised from the dead Necromancer with his alleged Enchantress girlfriend when we were fairly sure she was some kind of monster, only to have it confirmed that she was, indeed, some kind of monster, and my character rushed off to try and save him.

So there's that.

Today was fairly low-key compared to the last few weeks.

We did the supermarket thing... it took me about 900 hours to unpack things, because I finally decided that I needed to reorganise the main shelf of the pantry shelves... and there were also many things to take out of ugly, ugly plastic packaging and put into pretty, pretty glass jars.

Also Ma finished the [redacted] I asked her to make for [redacted] this week... and it looks sensational... I cannot wait until I can give it to [redacted]. I need to do a little finishing on it... I just need to work out how to do that effectively... and properly. 

And yes, I know, that means nothing to nobody else... but possibly once I've given it to the intended recipient, I might come back and edit this post (odds are I will totally forget to do so, but, you know, good intentions and all that).

Next up we went to Officeworks (argh... again, I can't escape) to finally scan the documents for Ma we tried to print about a month back unsuccessfully. Also, it's always super fucking helpful when a scanner puts the scanned document into a folder on the USB rather than just on the USB... and you don't realise and when you go to check it, think the document isn't there and end up looking like a twat in front of the Weekend Print Shop Guy. Yay.

Then we did a loop around Spotlight, and I found a heavily reduced quilt cover set that I didn't hate. It's maybe not exactly my usual style, but honestly it's better than either of the other "winter" quilt covers I currently have and am thoroughly sick of. And it was like 66% off.

And that was it.

Current mood:

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