
photo saturday: sartorial boy

captain odell - investigator, psychic, warrior

So... Hero Forge is kinda killing it right now with new outfits. I was disappointed they didn't include much clothing during the Advent Calendar in December... but it that was because they were waiting until now to drop me clothes... I'm kind of okay with that.

Today's DnD Character Colouring Book was totally one where the outfit inspired the character, down to the colouring.

The tails of the coat just reminded me of scarab wings that you see in a lot of Egyptian art... so, I kinda worked backwards from there, and basically created a DnD version of an Egyptologist... or at the very least, someone who has been touched by the sands and the desert wind. So, what says Egyptologist more than blue and gold?

Honestly, that's it really, that's as much as I have... I know his first name is something Egyptian... I know he's part of an organisation that looks into weird occurrences or monsters... and I'm not sure he ever actually served with any military organisation, even though he calls himself Captain.

Also, you gotta love a man in eyeliner. It's the rules.


This week has been... full of excursions.

So, we started the week last Sunday with an early morning earthquake... a 3.8 magnitude quake in fact... whatever that means relatively speaking. Honestly, having lived next to a major highway that had giant trucks rumbling along it at all hours of the day and night, I didn't realise what it was to start with... it just felt like a big truck... except it didn't stop... for about 10-15 seconds anyway.

I knew it was something weird given that right after it went through, all the parrots in nearby trees took to their air and made their displeasure known.

Oh, and I'm done with the bakery at the end of the street. The pastry is too thick, so it's undercooked, and the pepper pie I had should be renamed to a salt and pepper pie. So I might have to try something else this coming week.

Then Monday I went out to grab some bits and pieces that I hadn't picked up over the weekend... house stuff... and test out some more printing at Officeworks.

Basically I came home with scissors to replace the ones I lost, a shower caddy, a storage bin for under the bed, a dish drainer, a box for the platform shoes that used to be Raury's, an extension cord with flat plug and the last of the Descendants movies, because sometimes you need to treat yo self and... printing of DVD covers that was now too fucking big.

Urgh. It looks right when I printed it. Until I got it home and immediately saw that, no, it was too big now. So I came home, checked all my measurements, tried putting the image as it was in a PDF and took things that were the correct size in to compare it with and headed back in. Still wrong on the test prints. I ended up talking to one of the women from the Print Counter who basically said "yeah, these machines are pretty basic, all they're really for is printing your tax returns and stuff... but if you maybe make the image full A4 size and put it in a PDF, then it might work".

Sage advice, random lady, sage advice.

And that's exactly what I did. Because as soon as she said it I went "dur, of course, if I want the image to print full size, I need to make it a full A4 image and THEN make it a PDF. So that was pretty much all of Monday night, converting all the images over.

Monday night I pulled all of the papers and DnD printing and things out from the magazine racks at the bottom of the bookcases near the door sorted them out, so it all makes more sense to me now. And I also threw away a bunch of stuff.

Later I decided, on a whim, to pull the two plastic tubs full of cleaning stuff that where amongst the last things to leave the old house, out and sort them into the things I need more frequently and the things I need only occasionally. And as I'm pulling things out... as, is always the way with shit like this... what do I see down the side of the green plastic tub... a flash of blue. Yep... for reasons that I don't fully understand, the blue handled scissors had not, in fact, been on my kitchen counter at any point, it seems like they'd never been anywhere in the new house other than the inside of the cupboard under the sink. Or, maybe I put them in the tub by mistake... I honestly couldn't tell you. And of course, I find them on the day that I buy a pair to replace them.

Fuckit... at least the replacement pair will be super useful for other things.

Tuesday it was back to Officeworks around lunch time I think. And the DVD covers were finally the right size. Yay! Commence all the printing. Well not all... I did some of the larger groupings and printed until my Officeworks card ran out of cash.

Then I came home and had to then trim all of the edges. And realised that while doing the very monotonous task of printing, my mind had wandered and I didn't print, for example, the fourth Disney cover in the list of seven. Grrr.

But they looked pretty damn good.

First thing on Wednesday, the multi-DVD cases I ordered last weekend showed up... like, really early... 8am early... so then I had to go back to Officeworks and a full batch. By which I mean filled out a number of the smaller width shelves and then printed other ones until the card ran out again. Then more trimming. There were also ones where when I went to print it, I went... why did you file THAT under drama and not comedy or action and not thriller or whatever... so those needed a redo...

I also compacted even more of my DVDs into some of the new cases and ended up with a bunch of free space at the end of the alphabet, which is always good.

So that I didn't end up taking up Thursday doing the same thing yet again, I headed back Wednesday afternoon for another batch. See also more trimming. Basically I used up the blades in two utility knives.

Thursday I wanted to try and make headway on the tchotchke storage situation... so I pulled everything out of the boxes, decided on what stayed and what needed to go, compacting things into less boxes and worked out that the art boxes what had been taking up space by the side of the bed would just squeeze into the bottom of the wardrobe. So yay.

They do need going through and possibly moving over to some more... permanent, non-cardboard boxes. But that's later. They can stay in the wardrobe for now.

I did end up doing an Officeworks run on my way out to Thursday night DnD... because once again, made more sense to do it while I was already headed out for something else... so, I printed the covers that I'd either missed or changed or had otherwise not previously done... and I printed out a new version of the photo of Mouja... which wasn't bad considering it wasn't a super high quality digital image.

Plus, a pack of replacement blades for the utility knives.

I still need to do one last trip... but that'll be Wednesday next week, because I need to be out of the house anyway. Did I mention they're doing a rental inspection a month after I move in... bitch, I haven't worked out where to put all my spoons yet... what are you talking about, inspection? Anyway...

Thursday night DnD was... somewhat chaos. Less chaos than last week, in that we didn't circumvent half of the adventure, but decisions where made that were... less than optimal, but still seemed to work for us in general. Plus, this time we had the chance to roleplay for like, the first third of the session. Which is always the right answer.

It was fun though. And we get to finish it off next week.

Friday was basically me attempting to tidy up the chaos from Thursday. I did pretty well honestly. I mean, things are still not all where they need to be, and won't be until I can get the dining table out of the house and put the chest of drawers from the bedroom in that spot.

I do need to work out what I'm doing with the bigger art pieces that are currently shoved in the corner of the bedroom. Some of them need new bubblewrap, some of them possibly need to go live at Ma's place for a while. But I also need to work out what pieces I still want to pull out before that happens. So, there's decisions to be made. And then I can start taking things that I randomly shoved into cupboards out, and putting them back in much more neatly.

That's all a problem for Future Yani though.

Present Yani is fairly pleased with the way things are coming together, even if he does also wish there was like... 30% more space or the cupboards make more sense.

Prior to Friday night DnD, Fluffy came down and we watched The Tragedy of Macbeth... and you better believe that there will be a review of that forthcoming after this post.

Then it was off to Friday Night DnD... to run away from the big monsters that we woke up last week, try and negotiate with some nasty folk and end up having to stomp them into the dirt, found a Cube of Permanent Australian Summer, encounter a creepy, creepy gnoll/vampire/werewolf and then find the final location, a big old creepy city, buried in an ice cave.

Fun times... fun times.

Also, because it's my birthday on Monday... Friday was a bit of a birthday celebration... there were presents (dice from Fluffy, Nightwing graphic novel and board games from Mr and Mrs... the DVD was from Ma today), there were cupcakes... there was bread with a bunch of pepperoni in it that I slightly overcooked.

In the Before Times... today would have involved some kind of Fringe show, or going out for lunch, or something. But no, not so much.

Instead we did the supermarket thing, came back here for the unpacking and whatnot and then headed down to Spotlight... mostly for some wool and some new pillows... and because they had a sale on, ended up with a full set of pillows and a new quilt... which ended up being my actual birthday present from Ma.

Then we went to Haighs, because the made the Milk Neapolitan Wafer Bar (or, basically their version of a Polly Waffle, or in the same neighbourhood anyway) a permanent edition, and because I missed out on them last year when they appeared for World Chocolate Day, I needed some now that they've become a permanent addition.

Also, sidebar... the Polly Waffle is coming back... I wasn't aware, but Menz, the makers of Fruchocs, bought the licence for both Violet Crumbles and Polly Waffles... but they need to build a completely new set of machinery for the Polly Waffle... and sadly, because of the world right now, it's been pushed back twice now... from 2020 to 2022 and now to 2023. So long as it ends up happening though, I'm good. It will be interesting to see if a different manufacturer makes a product that lives up to the memory that I and, seemingly many other people share of the Polly Waffle.

Only time will tell I guess.

When we got back here, I couldn't find my mask. What I should have done was actually move my car seat and look properly because it was in the car the whole time... but we ended up driving back to Haighs, not finding it, and then as soon as I looked properly in the car, I found it. It did eat up a chunk of time... and I'm annoyed with myself that I didn't spend more time looking for it.

But we were going to get food from somewhere on the Parade, but all the places we were considering didn't open until 4:30pm... so, fuck that... we ordered pizza instead.

And watched Encanto (which Ma hadn't seen yet). Which is just as good the second time around, and made me cry just as much.

When it was done, Ma shuffled off home.

So, not a bad way to spend a pre-birthday Saturday.

Current mood:

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