You know something... Saturdays are exhausting...
Okay, so maybe it's just my Saturdays that are that way... I'm sure there are a whole bunch of you out there who have long, slow, lazy Saturdays and don't manage to do a damn thing all day.
Not this little black duck...
We did the usual Random Shopping Adventures™ at the proverbial crack of dawn (well, it would be, but dawn now cracks like two hours earlier than the shops open, so there goes that plan). I didn't buy that much stuff really since, as I think I
mentioned last week, I really need to live out of my freezer this week so there's actually some freakin' room in there. Way too many frozen leftovers...
Then we came back, unpacked and put away various goods and chattel, I phoned Stu because he was supposed to come by and pick up a video I taped for him, but ended up leaving it in the letterbox for him to come and pick up on his own... it's gone and he didn't call me to ask where the hell it was, so I assume he got it okay.
So after that, because I have a memory like a backwards four year old with the attention span of a goldfish, we ended up going back to the place where we'd done the shopping so that I could check out the artists canvases they had on special at
Cheap as Chips... I've had this vague kind of idea for a while now about wanting to do some sort of artwork to go above my teevee... since
the poster I had had there for about three billion years just kept falling down. But I could never find the right sized canvas as the right time... the Universe just wasn't lining everything up properly for me... but today it did. And now I have a 75cm wide by 100cm tall canvas (it's too big to go the other way around) sitting in my lounge room whispering "paint me, paint me" softly in my general direction... I THINK I know what I want to paint on it... something that is kind of inspired by
the canvas I did for Eddy... or at least, influenced by... we'll see.
I did have a brief moment of panic for a second, since I only have a teeny tiny car... and it was a VERY big canvas... and it wouldn't go in the boot of the car... and just for a second I wasn't sure if it was going to fit in the car at all... but luckily it did.
After that we went to Arndale... wander about aimlessly, look at the DVDs, that kind of thing... and I turned into one of those semi-tragic people that I usually roll my eyes about... they had a whole slew of CDs for $2 each... and, you know, that never ends well... usually it's people you've either never heard of, or else wish you'd never heard of, or else really bad rip offs of people you have heard of. But there were some slightly halfway decent CDs in the bunch... yes, most of them were crap, but we ended up trawling through them all... I ended up with a couple of movie soundtracks that have entered the bottomless pit of "Away For Christmas"... but hung onto the soundtrack from the first season of British Big Brother. It's from Channel 4 and everything. But if you took off the references to BB then it would just be this pretty decent dance music CD... CDs plural actually, since it's two discs... that's $1 per disc! Okay some of the tracks I've never heard of, but they're not bad.
Anyway, once we were finished there we came home again to drop everything off and then headed into the city. We headed into the
Museum to see something that I now can't find on their website and I gave Ma the piece of paper with the information on because I didn't think I needed it anymore... hang on a sec... Thank god for neighbours with no interest in the free
Adelaide Matters magazine that comes around every month or so...

It was the "Tooling Up" exhibition by John Hayward... which, according to the article, features "found, yet hi-tech objects such as outdated mobile phones and television remotes attached to sculpted wood", and were made to look like the cutting tools and things from the Aboriginal and Pacific Cultures collections in the museum. Kinda cool actually.
While we were looking, some random nice lady volunteer came up and told us that they were having a talk about whales and dolphins upstairs in about ten minutes... and again, I don't have the piece of paper that tells me who the woman was... but she's pretty much an Australian expert on whales and dolphins and marine mammals in general. So we figured we might as well go and listen. Shame about the woman who came and sat right next to Ma and who was clearly a few fries short of a Happy Meal. But she mostly shut up while the woman was talking and I didn't have to smack her around or anything... so that was good. The talk was good too... I didn't really learn anything that I didn't already know (well, except maybe for the large numbers of whales and dolphins who do come around visiting South Australia... 32 different kinds according to the nice lady).
By that point food was definitely in order, so after a brief detour to buy product we ended up having salads from
Sumo Salad... we didn't do that whole "make your own" thing, but picked from their already made up stuff... and got served by the cutest lil 'mo too... which I only worked out after I heard him speak... bless his little Gucci socks. And the salads were really, really nice... I had something involving beetroot, a potato salad thing and a chicken pasta thing (ahh... bless their website... beetroot, walnut, fetta, & baby spinach salad plus bacon, egg & kipfler potato salad and chicken pasta in grain mustard mayo). All very tasty.
Then we had a quick side trip to Bunnings to pick up some beeswax furniture polish so I can finally get around to polishing
my Laughing Buddha that J gave me (and I'll probably end up doing the staff we made together too). Then it was home again, home again, jiggity jig.
And just as I was planning on getting started with this post I checked my email and there was a random "HELP" email from
BlueDragon, so I ended up banging out what I hope is a helpful reply to that... I would have left it, but I know what I'm like, if something just sits in my Inbox than I may never end up answering it unless I really, truly have to... and not even then sometimes.
Now I just need to work out what, if anything, I want for dinner... and fiddle about on here for about an hour and then it's the season finale of
Doctor Who... wooooohoooooooo... can't wait!
And I'll also end up staring at that freakin' giant blank canvas and work out exactly what the hell I'm going to do with it!
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