photo saturday: pink lady

tranquility - sorceress, tea-maker, hostess

Revisiting an old idea for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book... and there will absolutely be a Wild Magic Sorceress in my future... it probably won't be Tranquility though. She did definitely need a make over though.

I'll be honest though, I'm not sure the boob shading is in the right place. Or I resized it weird or something. But I like the re-do other than that, even if we could do with some more kimono style garments.


Lots to discuss.

So, after last week post, I fluffed around for a while and then set up the old PS4 and the new PS4 (so small, so sleek, so missing the pretty light line that runs along the top of the old one that I miss) around 5pm, thinking that, you know, transferring data wouldn't take THAT long, and then maybe I could get a quick play of Horizon Forbidden West in before I made dinner and watched a movie.

I logged into things, I remembered passwords, I plugged things into other things, I followed instructions.

And then I said "yes, please transfer all that data over", only to be told that it would take 11 hours. And I went "pffft, says you" because it never takes as long as it says it's going to. So onwards and upwards...

At first the system said 29 hours, then 13, then settled down to around 7 hours. And I looked at the little progress bar and went "well, it will make a big jump at some point, it always does, it's fine".

Six and a half hours later...

Not how I intended my evening to go. I let it run and made pizza. I let it run and half-watched things on YouTube. I considered watching a movie, but didn't. So I just intermittently watched a progress bar for the whole evening waiting for it to suddenly jump forward... and it never did.

But I have a fully functional PS4 now... wooo. And on the plus side, the old system didn't spend 6 hours beeping at me like it had been known to do.

Have I played a lot of Horizon Forbidden West this week? Yes. Did I accidentally finish the game? Also yes. And I say accidentally, because I thought there was going to be more game left... and then suddenly end credits. A little like the way the Assassin's Creed Black Flag credits just came out of nowhere.

But there might be post about the overall game later once I've wandered through the post credit game for a bit and collected my thoughts.

Monday we reset the counter on Yani Fall Down. I did, in fact, fall down on my morning walk. I might have tripped on a gumnut, I might have tripped over literally nothing. Nobody knows. So now I have some gnarly bruises on the muscle at the base of my thumb (which I just learned is just called the "thenar") and the mother of all grazes/scabs on my knee. I also tore my "training tights" that I wear under my short in winter. So, fuck all of that.

Also, it's been so much fun because the scab on my knee is right on the point where my knee bends, so literally every time I bend or straighten my leg, I'm basically splitting the scab again. So I'm just loving life. Which is extreme sarcasm, obviously.

This week's mini movie reviews are as follows...

The Suicide Squad... like, the second one, because the first one doesn't have the "The" in the front. I didn't mind it. I liked it more than Birds of Prey. It was a good average superhero movie. With a surprising amount of full frontal male nudity, male butts and men in very revealing white underwear. And that amount would be literally that any of that was in the movie. Also, I feel like this is how you do a movie with actual anti-heroes.

Next up was The Tiger's Apprentice (based on the book of the same name). Basically, it's your quintessential "teen discovers he has powers" story combined with the animals from the Chinese Zodiac. And for a movie that's from "Paramount Animation" (whose claim to fame seems to be the Sponge Bob movies), it's pretty decent.

Rounding up the week was Love and Monsters, starring Teen Wolf's Dylan O'Brien and a bunch of real weird mutated critters. And I enjoyed it a lot. It's very, very, very clearly filmed here in Australia, although set "in California", so that amused me. And I don't know who else could have pulled off this character other than O'Brien, because it's so very much in his Teen Wolf wheelhouse of dorky lovable loser who has a lot of heart and kicks ass when needed. I honestly don't know who else could have made played the part, or at least played it as well.

This week's soup was... not as good as it might have been. It was roughly Chicken Cacciatore inspired, but I put rosemary in it... which sounds good, but then I was picking tough little pieces of rosemary out of my mouth all week. And I bought a jar of olives that turned out to be little globs of nothing. For some reason, all the salt was in the brine they came in, not actually in the olives. It was very fucking strange.

But it was otherwise decent, just not as good as I expected it to be.

Friday Night DnD was us kind of hashing out some emotional fallout from the last couple of games. And also having a bit of a High Seas adventure. But then ending up running away from a ship full of Frost Giants. But it was still a good session.

It's just perpetually interesting to me playing a character who very specifically I designed with few strong ties to his backstory (he has people he cares about from his past, but it's more of an apprenticeship vibe instead of a family/relationship thing) in a game where the other two characters have such weighty relationships tethering their characters, to sit back and observe the other two players sitting in that place. I mean, I did it in the previous campaign (before I ran), so I get it, but it's interesting to just be the person who isn't in that place.

I'm not sure that thought came through clearly, but you get the gist.


Today was essentially just the supermarket. Nothing exciting.

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